The airport was full of life, the noise mixing into a bubbling blur of distraction. He took a good look at them thinking about how many of the people running around really were in a hurry and how many had just put their airport mode on. Carter Rose had travelled enough times to learn exactly when it was time for his mother's airport mode. Celine, his sister seemed to have one too and his father, well David Rose would probably have whatever mode that was enough to cover his dirty little secrets. Carter felt Nicky's slap on his back. Nicky was there, he was always there, because oh well he was Nicky. Nicky the nice guy. Carter didn't do nice. Nice only got you hurt in the end, his mother used to be nice, until she turned to the bitter thing, putting on the show of a perfect little happy family, which the Roses clearly were not. Yeah Carter was not nice.

"Wake up princess." Nicky teased as Carter glared at his friend. Whyever did he still drag the kid around? He prefered Oscar, the quiet older senior who spoke only when he felt it was urgent, the only problem with Oscar seemed to be that he too was nice. "The queen is calling." Nicky continued and Carter's eyes followed in the direction of Nicky's where they landed on Maribel Fellows who flashed him a playful smile before grabbing the hand of Becky and pulling the last one to security check.

"You should talk to her '' Nicky's suggestion startled him before he let out an annoyed laugh.

"Tried that, but it didn't work." He simply replied.

"You texted her." Oscar didn't care to elaborate before grabbing his hand baggage and leaving the two others behind walking towards the security check. Carter changed his mind. Oscar was worse than Nicky, who really liked people who tried to remain mysterious?

"I didn't mean Belle bro, Becky..." Nicky dragged on the end of the y, leaving it hanging like he was suggesting something.

"Why would I possibly want to talk to that bitch." Carter hated how Nicky got him feeling like he had been caught, he was no David Rose for God's sake. He had been drunk alright, sulking over Belle being sick the weekend, he had hoped to get some... and Becky had generously filled his glass. First it was champagne, then beer and finally she had found a bottle of vodka somewhere. Yeah the bitch had played him, who could blame him for not thinking straight when she suddenly had kissed him. Or had he kissed her, he was drunk enough not to remember who made the first move, but he was pretty sure it was Becky. She had kissed him once before, so it had to be her. What really had started to bother Carter after the incident was how little he had cared. He wasn't a cheater, he refused to be like his dad and still it had felt like getting a C on a test. Average and once he had come clean to Belle she had had the audacity to try to defend Becky, he had been the good guy and she had defended the enemy. That really pissed him off.

"I just...I just feel like she maybe needs to talk to you..." Nicky reasoned.

"Well too bad, she should have thought of that before she betrayed Maribel" Carter snorted.

"Right." Nicky rolled his eyes and Carter had had enough so he started to make his way after Oscar. Seeing the girls almost at the security check she watched as Belle seemed to slip something into the small brunettes pocket. He looked intensely as the poor girl didn't notice and made her way through only to twirl around in shock as the metal detector let out the loud alarm. Smiling he saw the girl blush furiously trying to explain herself, only to finally be saved by her blond punky friend fishing up what Maribel had dropped into the girls pocket. He couldn't see what it was but the scene unfolding got his brain working. Belle had wanted to play, so play they would. He wondered why exactly the brunette girl had caught Maribel's eye. Maribel wasn't usually unsure about herself, she was confident and self assured, but something about the brunette mousy girl got Maribel's claws out and brought out the worst in his ex... well girlfriend but he'd see what he could do about that. The petite girl brought out the worst side of Belle, Carter had seen her push the girl around in school, make the small girl sweat and bite back tears. It had not been his business so he had let it be, if Belle wanted to be a bitch, who was he to stop her? But now, things had changed and he was starting to think that the small, mousy, dull girl could be the answer to his problem, it would be a matter of time if Belle hated her enough. Turning to Nicky who had followed him, Carter's eyes didn't leave the girl as he finally spoke again.

"That girl, the one Belle is playing... What's her name?"

"You are fixing things with Maribel" Came Nicky's a bit too quick reply.

"Chill out I am just asking bro... I mean it's a pity we have had the same..." He could really remember what class this trip belonged to..." class for a year and that I still don't know her name." He ended his sentence safely. Looking at Nicky he found the other boy shaking his head in disbelief.

"You can't be serious..." He muttered as he made his way around Carter, almost throwing his backpack onto the assembly line.

"Come on man." The two boys pass the security check without problem.

"Must be the watch" . Carter heard a stranger explain behind him but blocks it out as he focuses on Nicky who was picking up his stuff. "I am serious." Carter tried again.

"Fine. Her name is Aileen Mesman, but she is off-limits, loverboy... is that clear enough for you?" Nicky anything but sneers.

"You like her." Carter notices, it is clear as a day now.

"Yes,I do." Nicky admits which actually is quite admirable even if Carter would never admit that to Nicky.

"You like her and you are afraid you would lose her to me..."He smirked instead, his sentence not even earning a reply from Nicky who looked downright disgusted. "Lonely boy" Carter's smirk grew.

"For the record you are delusional." Nicky tried to keep his tone light but there is worry behind that, something that made Carter feel quite victorious. "And no, but she is not like the girls you toy with Carter... She is not Belle or Stella, definitely not like Monique, not even like Becky..." Nicky tries to make a point but Carter can't see it. So what, Aileen Mesman might not be gorgeous and sexy or manipulative but she is still someone Maribel seems to hate and she is female, what else does he need.

"Well you shouldn't worry..." Carter hears himself say as Nicky breathes out in relief.

"Thanks man, I know you really want to get out of your thing with Belle but thanks for not doing it on Aily's cost, not going after her."

"I didn't say that." And just like that Nicky tensed again.

"Come on man... All I meant was that if you her and if she really..." He kept another pause to get the needed doubting effect, "...likes you. Then you shouldn't have to worry. Besides, why would a nice girl like her fall for a guy like me, when we all know that all I bring is trouble."

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