Somehow they managed to get the lifeboat to the opening. Remy was sweating where she stood watching Carter pull it up. Then showing him thumbs up before lowering herself back into the water. She dove in because she knew they were not close to being done. The water was colder the further down she dove and  close to the door it was downright freezing. Looking around, cursing the foggy demure but then the red cross caught  her eye. A first aid kit! She swam to it only to find out that it was stuck. Down under the oxygen was a rare luxury and she knew it still was necessary for her to survive. Yet she really didn't wish to waste any time so she found herself fighting against her urge to get back up for air and wiggled the package hard. It moved but didn't come loose. With shaky and tired hands she gripped the first aid kit tighter and gave it another wiggle. Her lungs were fighting for air, as she tried to concentrate on the little metal box. This time around it came loose and she finally swam back up, seeing black spots in front of her eyes as she reached for what she knew to be the light finally breaking the water surface and gasping desperately for air.

She brought the kit to the same bench and yelled to Carter that she would dive back in to retrieve another one, knowing there should be one in the cockpit. She was  a little less hopeful of finding a working radio phone as the cockpit  was wedged under water. Needing  to get more air twice before she finally got the door to open. The windows had broken in and the little room was filled  with water but the smaller first aid kit was easier to retrieve. Finding some bagged meals and a few bottles of different liquors, sodas, alcohol and a handful of water cans. She also found a coffee pot in one of the cabinets outside the cockpit and knowing they'll need that, she brought them up too. On her third dive there were only a few sloppy and wet blankets left for Remy to take. There really was no need to go back down after that, nothing more to salvage and considering her chances she understood that they would most certainly have to find their way into the luscious green forest eventually, she knew that all extra was too much if it was not food or other necessities.

However as she looked down it almost felt  like something was pulling her back into the cockpit. She knew it is stupid and instead rumaged throguh one of the unopened lockers finally finding something of worth. She pulled out the case and opened the locks of the two metal staples roaming through the bag, the laptop was first to go. It was  broken and she doubted they'd have any use for it so she placed it back into the locker. There was a clean set of male clothes which she kept  but discarded the art of the business book and the papers inside of it. She left the keys there, the phone had no reception so that had to be left back too. Finding the sweets and smiles then stuffing in the water cans, sodas, the food packages She finds the wire and manages to tie it around the handle on the case.

"Carter!" She yelled waiting for an answer, no answer came. "DAMMIT CARTER!" She yelled again and this time it took only a few seconds for him to pop back to where she left him.

"Sorry." The boy mumbled but Remy completely ignored him.

"Pull up the case but send it back."


"Pull up." She yelled as hard as she could and he showed her thumbs up then tugging up the load. "I need the case back'' She reminded him and he slowly lowered it down until she reached her. Then watching as she loaded the rest onto the case. They redid the process and Carter whistled as he took in their catch.

"Nice work Roley." He yelled on top of his lungs and she cringed, she could hear him well enough. "Although...I don't think the clothes are quite my style." She could see the boy smirking as he looked down at her and rolled her eyes fighting back a laugh. The cruelty of the situation made him funnier than usual.

"Moron!" She yelled back earning a throaty laugh from Carter.

"You coming up here? I found some things too." He looked like a proud toddler and this time around she laughed, fully laughed something that was quite rare for her to do. He notices it as well. "Jeez I think that's a first time for me...I have never heard you laugh, Roley."

"You haven't given me much to laugh about..." She yelled back. They smiled stupidly at the moment of absurdity and death until he broke the silence again.

"So up?" His question made her look down. She really knew there was no point which is why she surprised herself with her reply.

"I think I will go for one more round." She informed him loudly then filling her lungs to the fullest and jumping in less carefully than before. Somehow the progress made her almost light headed or maybe it was her continuing ignorance of oxygen. Once in the cook pit she looked around trying to decide what to do. She swam closer to the pilots, the captain had a deep stach in the back of his head and she found it familiar from somewhere but couldn't quite place it. What could have pierced the poor guys back of the head? She can't find an answer. Instead she swam to the co-pilot and observed him. He was leaning over the controller and she shivered inside but grabbed the poor guy's head, turning it towards her. She backed away abruptly and screamed as she saw it. A deep dark whole gracing the forehead almost in between his eyes. She knew damn what it was but it made no sense and in panic she tried to make her way out. She grabbed onto stuff and made her way out. On foot getting caught under the serving tray and she pulled it away with force then finally getting to the surface. Gasping for air, trying to gather air. A bullet hole, a bullet hole. It made no sense. The storm, the explosion and now two dead pilots with bullet holes clearly executed. Her hands were shaking.

"You okay?" He wanted to know and she pondered if she should tell him but suddenly she was not sure if it was a good idea. She didn't exactly trust the boy even if she was depending on him at the moment so she shook her head then realized her mistake and nodded immediately after.

"Yeah...yeah just... air." She yelled between her panting.

"So you got anything?"

"Nothing left to take." She yelled to him, starting to climb. "I am coming up now." She reached the top faster than any of the previous times. This time around she had motivation. She wanted out of the plane as soon as possible. Up on the edge she found Carter with a load of stuff.

"This was what I could gather from the lockers. Most of the stuff was  gone, the lockers were open." Carter is quick to explain.

"Okay." Remy simply replies, staring at the water underneath them. "I'll go first you throw me the float and then the stuff one bag by one. What will not fit,  we leave here, only food and drinks are vital!" And with no further explanation she jumps.

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