Time Skip 4: The new and the old: final chapter

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If this alarm clock doesn't stop ringing I'm going to toss it out the window. I roll over and cover my ears.

"Sugar you've got to wake up."

"Five more minutes."

"If you don't get up now then you'll have two highschools banging at the door."

"Ughhhh this is devastating."

"You're the one who promised them breakfast."

I sit up with a pout on my face and look over at Kōshi. Before I can get out one last complaint he lands a kiss on my lips.

"Sweet as Sugar."

"When did you get so cheesy?"

"Someone's gotta be the savory to your sweet."

"If I get up now will you stop with the terrible jokes?"

"No promises." Kōshi says with a light laugh. I smile to myself and find the energy to get up and get dressed.

I rush downstairs to prepare a simple breakfast for Sumiye and Riku.

"MOM I CAN'T FIND MY SOCKS!" Sumiye yells from atop the stairs.




"Mom can you help me with this tie I'm still not used to it." Riku asks in a hushed voice.

"Sure sweetie just hold on a sec."

Sumiye and Riku are barely even two years apart but they are worlds different. Sumiye has so much energy she bounces in every step she takes while Riku is reserved and calm.

"Sumiye comes running down the stairs ruffling Riku's hair as she passes us. Her gray messy ponytail swaying with her steps.


"hEy!" She mocks back

"You're not as funny as you think you are."

"Whatever, are you ready for your first day of highschool?"

"Not if it means I have to see you all day."

"Ugh how rude, but don't worry I'll be in 3A while you'll be alll the way over in 1A so I doubt you'll see much of me."

"Hey be nice Riku your sister can really help you if you need it and Sumiye please help him if he needs it."

"Don't worry mom I will because that's what good big sister's do." Sumiye says proudly while she crosses her arms.

"Pfft since when are you a good big sister?"

"Umm since the day you were born."

"Really? You act a lot more like a chaotic little sister to me."

"Alright you two that's enough eat your breakfast then hurry to school." Kōshi says as he comes down the stairs fixing up his tie.

"Want a ride to work?"

"If you're offering I'll gladly accept." Kōshi says with a smile.

As Riku and Sumiye slip on their shoes to leave I grab the keys to my car. "Oh right I almost forgot you two have to walk home together I don't want one of you walking home while it's dark alone. "

"But that means I have to stay for her volleyball practice!"

"Aww come one Riku it's not that bad you can study on the bench if you want orrr we could teach you somethinggg."

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