Chapter Fifty-Seven - not real?

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I jumped up as my breath came out in short pants as I looked around frantically, running my hands over my body as my heart was beating out of my chest.

Oh good gods I was fine, I hadn't fallen to my death.

However I looked around confused as I realised I was just in bed next to Brand. He sat up quickly as I panicked and he pulled me close, "What's wrong Lillian, are you okay? Another nightmare?" he said as I scrambled out of bed and turned around in confusion, holding my hand out warning him to stay away, fear rushing through my body.

"What the fuck is going on. I just fell to my death off the balcony, you were mad at me, for being with Damien and I destroyed this room, what's going on" I said rambling off as I breathed heavily running my hands over my face.

Brand sat up as he looked at me in confusion, his eye running all over my body as I began to panic, "What on earth are going on about. That has never happened" he said as I turned round to look him dead in the eye as I felt a shiver run down my spine,

"No, no don't say that, it happened, you beat him up, and you locked me in my room and I exploded power" I said running as I looked around, "I cracked the walls, broke the windows and the door flew off the hinges…" I trailed off as I looked but saw there was no cracks in the wall and the door was on its hinges, as well as all the windows being in place.

"No, no this was real. I'm sure of it, you, you were horrible to me, and I panicked and I exploded and then I fell over the balcony" I said my breathing coming fast again, this was too weird, I needed air, I ran over to the window as it opened with ease, only making me freak out even more as I stepped back my hands shaking.

Brand stood up as he walked over to me, "Lillian calm down please, your freaking me out, none of this happened, it must have just been a nightmar" he said holding my face as his confusion was evident in his eyes,

"No Brand it did. I swear it was real" I said as I pushing his hands off me, shuddering at his touch and I ran out of the room breathing deeply,

I ran down towards Damien's room as I flung the door open, it smashing against the wall as I ran in breathing deeply, frustration and panic filling me.

He sprung up as the bed sheets fell off his body, exposing his muscled chest and v-line, his hair a mess as i felt my mouth grow dry at the sight.

I gulped as my eyes wandered down, feeling myself become hot and bothered as I took a step back. I shook my head as I caught Damien smirk a little, "what's wrong Lillian, one brother not enough for you? Or you think I'd be better?" he said winking as I frowned shaking my head,

"You don't remember. You seriously don't remember?" I said as Brand rushed in behind me,

"Damien, explain to her she didn't fall off of the balcony, or try to kiss you or get locked in her room please" he said sighing and running his hand through his hair,

I turned to Damien, desperation filling me as he stood up walking over, "You okay gorgeous? Maybe we should cut out the alcohol before bed, I don't think it agreeing with you. That certainly didn't happen Lillian, although I'm flattered" he joked as I looked around in disbelief, the seriousness of the situation almost distracting me enough from the gorgeous half naked man in front of me.

"What the fuck is going on here. I know what happened to me, and that was real. I'm going to get to the bottom of this" I said as I took one last look at Damien, which he noticed smirking, and I quickly stormed out of the room.

I held back outside the door, as I tried to overhear their conversation,

"I don't know what has gotten into her, she keeps freaking out" Brand said as I frowned shaking my head, I heard Damien sigh as I continued to listen,

"This is weird Brand; she looks frantic almost insane. I almost believed her apart from the fact I know it didn't happen. Something is very wrong, we have literal days until this fight, and we need to take her mind off of it" he finished as I leant my head back on the wall and sighed,

"well we have Bethany's birthday so we are celebrating that tomorrow and then pray for the best, hopefully its just nerves. She has a lot on her plate, we just need to make sure we stand united." Brand finished as I snuck away into my room, panic filling me as I shook my head.

Was I going mad?

As I stormed back to my room I ran my hand through my hair but as I did I felt my fingers get caught on something hard and gross in my hair,

"Ew what the hell" I said as I walked into the bathroom and over to the mirror, I couldn't see anything in this light as I sighed and turned around, I quickly stripped as I walked under the shower and let the water run down my body.

I closed my eyes as I relaxed in the warm stream running over my body, trying to wash away the panic filling my body,

However as I opened my eyes I saw a river of red running down my body onto the floor and I gasped as I leapt out of the shower looking around,

As I did I realised it was still running down my body in a few thin red lines.

It was hard blood in my hair, I wasnt going crazy, I had hit the floor.

I walked over to the mirror by the sink as I wrung my hair out, red water dripping into the sink. I knew I wasn't crazy, I had fell, surely? That's the only thing that would make sense with blood in my head, I must have hit my head when I fell, I know I didn't hit it at training.

I sighed as I walked back under the shower and washed my hair thoroughly. I felt as if was crazy, how could they not know, or had I just had blood in my hair from before? It couldn't be, I had a shower this morning.

It all was becoming too weird for me, and I was freaking out again. I heard a small knock on the door as Brand called my name and I jumped, trying to kick all the red water down the drain.

"I'm okay, I just needed a shower to calm myself" I said as I let out a sigh, the door slowly opened with a click as Brand smiled and walked in, however not all the blood was gone from the drain and I grit my teeth, his eyes widening ever so slightly at the blood flowing down the drain.

He looked down as he saw my wide eyes and he sighed, running his hand through his hair, "I was going to suggest a shower to you. I noticed when you freaked out from your previous dream you had knocked your head on the corner of the bed, you were bleeding a little" he said as I looked up at him, desperation on my face.

"I did?" I said as he nodded looking at me concerned and confused, "Lillian talk to me. You are scaring me, what the hell is going on" he said as I walked out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body, running my hand through my hair again, feeling a lump on my head.

"I don't know Brand, I'm just confused, this has really freaked me out, I could have sworn it was real" I said as Brand picked me up and carried me to the bed, holding me close, but for the first time, his touch not comforting me. The cold look on his eye flashing across my mind as I shuddered internally.

"Just try and get some rest. I think your mind is playing tricks on you, you have been very stressed recently with the battle and your powers, it could as be to do with the fact there are many other witches around us right now" he said as I sighed rubbing my head,

"I guess Brand, it just seemed so real" I said as Brand pulled me tight and pulled the covers over us, discarding my towel.

He pulled me close as I rested my head on his chest, but before long I was falling asleep, exhaustion taking over me, however the fear of my mind potentially playing tricks on me not leaving my mind.

Who could I trust, and what the fuck was going on here?


lol, well that changed things

thank you so much for reading xx

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