Chapter Forty-Eight - Eavesdropping

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I felt my eyes open as I looked around the room, expecting to see the sun rising but it was pitch black, the mooonlight still shining through the window. I rubbed my face as I groaned and walked towards the toilet. As I did I heard voices outside my door, and I slowly sneaked up and pressed my ear against it as I listened.

"You stay the fuck away from her. Do you hear me?" I heard Brand say as I gulped, "Brand, I am staying away from her, I am trying. It is not intentional brother, there is just something about her I cannot deny. Anyway I doubt she will talk to me after tonight" I heard Damien say as I pressed my ear harder against the door,

"If you ever pull something like this again, I will kill you. She is mine, and you being near her is a crime I will not forgive. You stay away or I swear to the gods I will rip your head off. Do not touch her, do not spend time alone with her. Leave. Her. alone" I heard Brand growl as I frowned,

"Why so tense brother? Worried she might like me more, chose me instead?" I heard Damien hiss as I heard a loud crash outside the door and I jumped, looking through the peephole, Brand was pushing Damien up against the wall, his hand wrapped around his throat.

"Do not forget what I am capable of brother. I have done too much for you to fuck it all up for me. You stay as far away as possible; I don't care if it kills you. But you will not get in-between us, or so gods help me I will torture you until the end of your days" he said deadly calm as I shivered at his words,

He let Damien go as he fell clutching his neck as Brand stood tall. "She is mine Damien. And there is nothing you can do to take her from me. Lillian has always been mine; she won't ever love you and I will make sure of it, you cannot even imagine how important she is. She is everything." he said as he turned and I quickly scrambled away from the door and hopped into bed, my door quietly opening as Brand walked in.

I pushed my eyes shut as I pretended to sleep as the door quickly shut Brand not entering the room. I open my eyes as I lay on my back in my bed, wondering what the fuck I had just listened to, why could that have meant? What had Brand done that Damien could fuck up? But before I could think about anything more sleep took me again, and I faded into darkness.

As my eyes opened I saw Brand at the end of the bed watching me, he looked tired. I quickly decided to pretend I had heard nothing last night as I sat up slowly and I sighed, he walked over as he climbed in next to me and pulled me close.

"What happened last night?" he said as he pulled me close and stroked my hair, I felt my heart stop as I looked up at him, did he know I heard him talking with Damien?

"What?" I said as he frowned at me, "What happened with Damien?" He said calmly as I lay on him and I inwardly let out a sigh of relief, the memories of my fight with Damien coming back to me as I groaned, massaging my temples.

"Brand I did something bad" I mumbled as he kissed my forehead gently, his arms wrapping around my waist, "Lillian speak to me" he said as he stroked my back gently. I looked up at him but the sound of his words last night still rung in my head, and all I could see was the anger in his eyes whilst he had choked Damien. I looked back down pushing it to the back of my mind as I closed my eyes.

"Me and Damien, we just had an argument, nothing more. I somehow shot him with magic, which I didn't know I could do" I said as Brand looked at me concerned, "what kind of argument?" he quizzed further as I groaned. He was clearly very set on figuring out how I felt.

"I wasn't very nice Brand, and neither was he, I just had to ask him about some things that had happened recently, and it turned nasty quickly. We both said things we shouldn't have" I said as Brand frowned at me clearly wanting to know more, "I don't want to talk about it" I said as Brand reluctantly nodded and pulled me close,

I thought back to Damien's harsh words as I felt a sting in my chest, I shook my head as I looked up at Brand. Why on earth was I thinking about Damien? My mate was here, no one else should matter to me.

I rolled over climbing on top of him as I straddled him and leant down, placing my lips on top of his as I kissed him, he immediately reacted kissing me back as his hands run down my side and he moaned,

I tugged at his lip as his tongue slid into my mouth and claimed dominance, flipping me over so I was underneath him and I wrapped my legs around him pulling him closer, I pulled away to get air as I rested my head against his and sighed,

"I think I'm falling for you" I whispered as I truly meant it with my whole heart. I was falling for him; he had become so much better, and I knew that he had begun to be special to me. He had become everything I needed, Damien was just a distraction, something I didnt want, but Brand was here and he wanted me, and I knew I wanted him.

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