First meeting

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I will update this soon!!
Stay stuned
Okay okay!!!!!
Here is the part..I hope u all will like it!!plz do support
I post next only on one condition when I will gain 15 follwers

So here the part!!

Neil takes a sip of coffee and places the mug down to finally look at Ruby. He smiled and took her hand in his smoothly.

Neil: Wow!

Ruby: What?

Glancing down at her palm then up again at her face, he said softly.

Neil: Your hands are beautiful.

Ruby blushed and started smiling, tucking her hair behind the ear while ali made a disgusted face from the counter as she cleaned the empty cups with a cloth. She wondered how on earth a sensible woman would buy those kinds of sleazy tricks but here she was, witnessing all sorts of women going crazy over Neil's silly liners. I bet all these women have brains of jellyfish.

Ruby cleared her throat and asked,

Ruby: Can I ask you something?

Neil: Sure..

He picked up his coffee again and added,

Neil: Ask away.

Ruby: How come we're here in this stupid coffee shop?

That had to leave ali blistering. She sighed then rolled her eyes, murmuring sarcastically.

Ali: Yeah, thanks. Visit again!!

Even though Neil knew it would make Ali mad, he just smiled away and continued talking to her.

Neil: You don't like it here?

Ruby looked around as if someone had put her into a prison.

Ruby: It's okay. But I mean, how come we're not at your place?

She smiled and held his hand again. Neil.. chuckled, looking down at the table top, probably finding another stupid excuse.

Neil: Oh Ruby, you don't wanna go there..

He continued to smile in a silly way, squeezed her hand in his again but she refuted.

Ruby: No. Sure. Of course I wanna go.

Neil: It's really messy right now. And you know..

He continued,

Neil: You're just so special. I don't take girls like you to messy places.. it's such a shame!

Ruby: Why is it messy?

Neil: Erm..

Ali was hoping he would stutter and mess up but he was quite trained in lying and making up crap in order to charm women.

Neil: Because..I was working the whole night.

Suddenly, ali started coughing from behind and he slowly turned to her. Even Ruby looked at him and she said.

Ali: Oh shoot! Dust. I'm allergic..

Then he pretended to sneeze and laugh awkwardly. Neil pursed his lips at her, probably telling her to cut it out now.

Ali: I'm sorry. Carry on..

He turned to Ruby again and sighed.

Neil: Yeah, so I was saying..

Unable to remember what he was talking, he simply stared at her face until she reminded him.

Ruby: Messy house..

Neil: Yes. Right..

He continued,

Neil: So my house is really really messy right now. And I'm..

Suddenly he stopped talking and his attention was partly disrupted until now as he looked behind Ruby through the glass wall, far at the end of the road that led to the coffee shop. Avni was running down the street behind her dog Tommy who just seemed to be loose in some sort of meadow. He smiled and got off the chair saying,

Neil: I'll be right back.

Neil ran out of the coffee shop to get hold of Tommy before he could run away and it became impossible for anybody in the town to catch him. Luckily, he reached right on time and bent over aiming his arms at this mischievous dog of Avni. Tommy ran straight into Neil's arms.

Neil: Woah woah!! Where you think you're going, huh?

Tommy was just about a puppy yet, only a little bigger. He yelped in Neil's arms, trying to get away but he managed to keep him calm.

Neil: Oye! Ruk jaa yaar.

Until then Avni showed up, panting heavily as she took a deep breath of relief.

Avni: What a dog..oh my god.

Neil smiled at her as she struggled to catch her breath and thanked him.

Avni: Thank you!

Neil: What happened?

Avni: I don't know..He just started running

Stay stunned..😀

𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 - 𝐀𝐯𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐥☑️Where stories live. Discover now