Opinions On The Prinzessin [Suzuki Iruma]

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A lot of people have been asking me about my sister. But what seems odd is how they prefer to call her "Prinzessin der Babyls/Princess of Babyls" or shorten it to "Prinzessin". I remembered her calling me a similar title back during our evil cycles, but I'm surprised the title is only extended to her and mine is not usually addressed.

Though, they're not wrong about that. I'm sure everyone at Babyls has heard of her reputation as the Prinzessin because it spreads really fast. If you ask me about my opinions on her as a person... such a graceful sibling of mine is just as perfect as a person can be.

But how does that name even spread more than wildfire....? Forget it... whatever.
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Valac Clara: Ryū-Princess-chi's always perfect!

Asmodeus Alice: But of course, Ryūko-sama is a graceful force to be reckoned with! A true empress!

Gremory Acheron: Yeah, I kept hearing my classmates mention her name many a time.

Siegfried Yanna: Ryūko-san really is admirable.

Levina Kaminari: No doubt she's called a princess because of the way she works around the school to help everyone.

Azazel Ameri: Personally, she is a great power of securing the school and that by all means. Even her ambition of academic excellence lives up.

Shax Lead: Everyone's talking about her the first thing in the morning.

Andro M. Jazz: Shax Lead- That's popularity for you.

Sabnock Sabro: As expected of a worthy adversary such as her. A strong woman with the heart of a noble.

Ronove Romiere: Ah, yes! The one and only Princesa de Babyls! A figure of elegance and beauty! Her charisma certainly rivals my own!

Suzuki Ryūko: Ronove Romiere-senpai. ¿Se ha mantenido bien en el Consejo Estudiantil correctamente?
[Spanish to English: Have you been holding yourself well in the Student Council properly?]

Ronove Romiere: Suzuki Ryūko- Audaz que puedes preguntar, Princesa.
[Spanish to English: Bold that you may ask, Princess.]

Suzuki Iruma: Woah! She and Ronove-senpai can speak to each other in the same way!

Félin Lavande: Such work of communications. As expected of Lady Ryūko.

Abbadon Isabelle: Hey, she's not the only one who can talk like that.

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