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???: ''Janari Suto..Isn't she the leader of the Newspaper club?''

R: ''Yes but I need her gone, she's getting in my way''

???: ''Well if you want her gone, you're gonna have to give us an extra body. It only makes sense since she is the daughter of the famous Sayaka Suto''

R: ''Alright.. I'll bring you an extra body''



''So Mia, what do I do?''

''You've got to stop them somehow!''

''But HOW??''

''There are shady guys at the front of the school, their are some pretty scary rumors about them. Maybe go try talk to them''

''Alright, I'll give it a shot.. Thanks, Mia!''


Ryoba walks out of the school and looks around for a trio of people that look 'shady'

*What about them?.. All black suits, scary looking, it has to be them..*


''I'm guess you're the 'shady' people?''

''Get outta here, kid. We're waiting for a client?''

''A client, oh... So you.. Aren't the Yakuza?..''

''I said SCRAM, before I do something you'll regret''

''Aw, that's not a way to talk to a future customer''

''Future customer? HA, don't make me laugh!''

''I'm serious, I want someone gone.. And you guys are perrrfect''

''Go on..''

''Janari Suto, I need you to take her out''

 ''Janari Suto..Isn't she the leader of the Newspaper club?''

 ''Yes but I need her gone, she's getting in my way''

 ''Well if you want her gone, you're gonna have to give us an extra body. It only makes sense since she is the daughter of the famous Sayaka Suto''

 ''Alright.. I'll bring you an extra body''


Ryoba walks away from the Yakuza and goes to find Mia to share the news with her

''So.. Were the rumors true?''

''Yep, they're the Yakuza''

''Alright, well earlier I broke into the Newspaper club and stole some info on 'The hunter' ..It sure would we a shame if it were to... Disappear''

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