Chapter 15- I Wish I Hadn't Met You

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Y/N p.o.v

I was left alone with Diego.
"I'll gather all of our stuff."
I finally said, going to our stand.

"Y/N! Wait!"
I stopped, but I didn't look back.

This is all my fault...
Damn it, I'm such a fool..."
Diego sighed.
I still didn't move.

"I'm really, really sorry... I didn't mean for you to get in all this mess...
I didn't mean to lie...
I-I should've spoken to you o-or...
I tried so hard not to hurt you, but I obviously messed up..."

I clenched my fists and turned around.
He looked so sad, so broken.
But this has gone too far.
"Maybe it would have been better if I haven't met you."
I couldn't look at him anymore.

"Y-Y/N, I-"

"Just go out of the room and find Mia. She won't be around for long."

Diego hesitated, but stepped closer.
"What. What could you possibly want from me."

"Listen, Kitten, I-"

"no, NO! Don't you DARE 'kitten' me.
Now YOU listen to ME."
I suddenly bursted out. All the sadness and uncertainty that I felt mixed into anger.
Diego's eyes widened at my sudden mood change.

"I loved you!
But you just had to go out and do your selfish things because you think you are better than anyone else.
Gosh, you judgement is STUPID!
How could Phoenix be guilty for Mia's death?? How could you let people deal with YOUR DARN PLAN just because you were too pompous to get authorities involved?? How could you actually KILL someone?? You can't take revenge on the dead, YOU SHITHEAD! Deliah is no more!
You are the most SELFISH and INCONSIDERATE person I ever had to deal with!"
I shouted at him.

I had to take a deep breath to calm down.

"And you know what is the worst thing about all of this?
That you took me as you partner before you got over Mia.
You obviously still love her more than me. You did all of this because my love wasn't enough for you. I am not enough for you and never will be."
I said quietly, struggling not to cry.

"Y/N... you got it all wrong..."

I looked away from him.
"I don't want to hear your excuses."

"But Y/N... I really, truly, love you. From all my heart.
I just felt guilty... so I blamed Phoenix.
I felt guilty, so I thought I must have to solve everything on my own to pay for Mia's death.
Right now, I only love Mia as a friend. You are very important to me, Y/N.
I don't want to lose you because of my mistakes and false reasoning.
But I deserve it.
Your anger, your hatred.
I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore.
My apologies won't help.
I just want you to remember that...
I truly love you, Y/N. Only you."

There was silence for a few minutes.

I finally started.

The doors of the courtroom busted open, and Detective Gumshoe and some other cops ran inside.

"Mr. Diego Armando, you are under arrest for the murder of Misty Fey."
The cops surrounded Diego.

"H-Huh? N-No! Gumshoe, please-"

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm just doing my job."

"N-No! Please, I'm begging you! Give me more time!"

Diego was escorted out of the room, but Gumshoe didn't let me run after him.
I cried out.

Diego turned his head around and looked at me.
He gave me a sad smile
"Love you, Y/N.
...I'm sorry..."
He managed to say before he disappeared.

"I-I love you too..."
I whispered, collapsing to the floor.

Gumshoe tried to comfort me, but for no use.
I just stared at my tears landing on the floor.

"Miss Y/N lawer friend!! Miss Y/N lawer friend!! Please don't cry!
What did that bad detective do to you?! Did he make you cry?!
I'll punch him!!"
Pearl ran inside.

"Pearls, wait-"
Maya quickly followed her.

"Ouch!!! Please don't punch me!!"
Gumshoe cried out.

Y/N just got some very bad news..."
Phoenix appeared next to her, explaining.

"O-Oh... sorry, big detective..."

Phoenix gently covered Peal with a blanket. Maya gave me some tea.

They took me back to their office.
I couldn't get myself to go to OUR house. I couldn't even drink coffee.

"H-He's gone... h-he's truly gone...
I didn't even had the time to t-tell him that I f-forgive him..."
My voice was shaking as I held the warm cup.

"It's going to be alright, Y/N...
Just let it all out..."
Maya pet my head.

"N-No, it's not! He is going to be exterminated in two days...
Gumshoe told me that because of that schedule, I won't be able to see him until a few minutes before... before he... b-before..."
Tears ran down my cheeks.

"Well, not exactly..."
Phoenix gave me a napkin.

"W-What do you mean...?"

"Don't give up now, Y/N!
Nick and I are going to help you!"
Maya smiled.

"Help me what?"

"I filed a request for a new trial and negotiation, and they accepted.
I bought us another day!"
Phoenix showed me the papers.

There was silence for a few seconds as I read the papers.

"O-Oh my gosh...
T-Thank you! Thank you so much!"
I finally smiled.

I stood up, determined.

They are right. I can't give up just yet.

Diego, we are going to save you!

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