Chapter 7- Court Proceedures

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I'm not going to write the full cases here, only the important parts that have Y/N's interpretation.

Y/N p.o.v

Surprisingly, I've never been in the courthouse. I only watched recordings or heard from co-workers about this place and different trials.

But today, it's not only a first to me. It's also a first for Diego.
Instead of going to the defendant lobby, we had to go to a lobby on the other side.

Both of us were holding files, reading about the case. I was also carrying a bag full of coffee for both of us, while Diego was carefully carrying evidences.

When the time arrived, I felt his hand holding mine as we entered the courtroom.
9:55 AM.

I'm so excited. The trial will begin in 5 minutes!
The jury was sitting down, the judge was cleaning his hammer with a napkin.
I looked at the defendant, Ron DeLite. He was looking at the floor, worried, almost ashamed.

"...the defence doesn't seem to be here..."
I whispered to Godot next to me.
He mumbled.

As he said that, the doors opened.
Two minutes before the trial begins, Phoenix Wright calmly enters the courtroom and goes to his stand.
Next to him was another girl.
She had a very interesting haircut, not to mention her clothes.

She noticed me looking at her, and she gave me an awkward, confused wave. I waved, too.
Gosh, I should really stop this habit of staring at strangers. It's awkward.

"She seems... familiar...OH!!!
Godot, it's Mia's little sister! Maya!"
I tried to say quietly as I remembered her face from Mia's murder case files.

"Hmm... Mia only told me that she had a little sibling, nothing more...
I guess I'll see what she's got...
As well as this so-called Phoenix Trite."
Godot said simply.
"Now, it's time to put on a show.
And finally challenge him."

"Good luck!"
I said with a smile.
Godot put on his classic smirk.
"Of course, with my little cute kitten
lucky charm."
He chuckled, making me blush.

Three knocks were heard, silencing the jury. We all looked at the judge as he spoke.
"Court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Ron DeLite."

"The defence is ready, your honor."
Phoenix Wright announced.

After a few seconds, I looked at Godot. he going to say anything...?

"What about the prosecution?
Are you ready?"
The judge finally asked.

"...What a stupid question..."
Godot said, deep in thoughts.
W-Why is he acting like this?

"W-What did you just say?"

"Fine. Let me ask you then, your honor. Are YOU ready?
Are you ready to pass judgement?"

Diego... what are you doing...?

"No, I'm not! I will pass judgement after hearing arguments from each side."
The judge answered, confused.

"Well, if you are not ready yourself, don't expect others to be.
That's a rule to live by."
Godot said simply.

A... rule?

"Um... who are you?"
The judge doesn't recognize him?
Not even his voice?
Diego was a very known defence attorney and was in court thousands of times... But... he really does look completely different so I can't blame him. Not to mention his different role.

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