Chapter 34

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   It was good to see him, he ran me through everything that was going on. When he told me he went to his father to get me out of the situation I was in, the tears I'd been holding back just poured. He told me about his sentencing and the bargain he'd made, so I'd be without him for the next two years at least.

   It was a relief honestly, two years was such a gift compared to what could have been decades I'm sure. I couldn't help but wonder if everyone else was going to be alright though. They had all been duped into service to that terrifying man. Yes, some of them had done some horrendous things, but what else are you supposed to do when you owe someone like that your life?

   "Just be sure to stay safe in there, and I'll give them a paper with my information so you can write and call, and I'll visit when I'm able to." My tears were dry at this point, I was just sniffling as I rambled and held his hands from across the table.

   He just chuckled and gave a playful eye roll, his thumbs rubbing across my knuckles softly. "Babydoll, calm down. I'll be out before you know it. Besides, you need to catch up with your doc. I know you're gonna need a little help after what you've been through."

   My heart swelled. He really did love me. He'd been prioritizing me for a long time now and I honestly hadn't even noticed with all the hectic things at the league going on. I opened my mouth to thank him for everything, but before I could the door clicked open again. "Times up Todoroki, we gotta go "

   I felt the knot form in my throat again at the idea of him leaving, my eyes starting to sting as I held back tears for a second time. I really thought I was going to be able to handle it, but that was when he was right there infrknt of me. The scarred man across the table released my hands and got up from his seat with a sad smile. As he made his way over to the officers it was like my body moved on it's own. Next thing I know, my arms are wrapped around Dabi in a silent and tearful hug. I dug my face into the back of his orange jumpsuit knowing this will be the last time I get to touch him for a long time.

   I heard a sigh before he chuckled and twisted around in my arms to face me. Raising his cuffed wrists up over my head so that he could wrap his arms around me in return before giving a firm squeeze. "Dammit..." his voice was shaky, that's when I noticed he'd began to tremble ever so slightly signaling he was just as emotional as I was. "I was doing fine and then you had to go and grab me like that." He joked, chuckling at the way his voice cracked to reveal that he was fighting back tears as well.

   One of the officers cleared their throats and reminded us that our time was up. He released me and raised his arms back up over my head so that I could back away. He gave me a quick and soft kiss to the lips before waving and leaving the room.

   "Ma'am," the other officer said, "just give your information to Pro Hero Endeavor and he'll have it added to Todoroki's contact list. He's just down the hall to your right, the frosted glass door on the left." He gave me a nod before turning and rejoining his colleague to get Dabi transported.


   After I was released and cleared of all charges I gave the detective in charge of questioning me my mom's address and my own phone number, since I didn't have anywhere to really call home at the moment, to pass along to endeavor. I'd heard enough about that man to be more than terrified of meeting him in person.

   As I made my way out of the building, I'd spotted Nezu along with Mr. Aizawa in the main lobby. They were just sitting, the teacher asleep and the dean having a cup of tea. I stopped, furrowing my brows in confusiom "Um...?"

  "Oh miss L/N! Good you're done with business here, now we can head back to UA." The fuzzy little creature said, as if I hadn't just tried to rat out the entire school to the worst villain in Japan. Nonetheless, Nezu insisted I come with them so I did. Not like I had anywhere else to go right now.


   I was now sat in nezu's office alone, wondering what exactly the reason I was here might be when he spoke up. "So you've got a new quirk I hear. It's a real shame what happened for you to get it, but I'm sure you appreciate it a little more than the one you'd been born with."

   I nodded hesitantly before he continued, "I'm sad to say that, given past and preset happenings with other students, we feel it would be best you stopped attending UA." He'd said it with a smile on his face and a lilt in his voice. I knew they weren't going to let me finish my degree, but he could have at least pretended to be sympathetic...

   "But with your excellent grades, and given your new quirk. I would like to offer an opportunity to you." He went on to explain that he knows how much I'd wished to be a hero, so given my new quirk he offered me a place at a UA affiliated medical university. It would be a chance for me to start fresh, to work towards a profession that let me help people the way I always wanted to, and the school was a lot closer to where Dabi would be held.

   I was floored. Completely dumbstruck. It must have been plain on my face as I heard the the fuzzy creature giggle, obviously amused. In the end I took the opportunity and was given a card key to my new dorm room. He apparently knew I'd take the offer so he'd already taken care of enrollment, he also said there'd be a surprise waiting for me so I needed to head there right away.


   I did as I was told as soon as I hopped out of Aizawa's car, the perpetually bored man following behind me. My room was on the 2nd floor so it wasn't hard to find. As soon as I opened the door though, I heard a familiar meow.

   "Yuji! You're safe! Oh God I've been so worried about you!" I quickly scoop up his inky kitty form in my arms and press my face to his, earning a rather loud purr. I guess he missed me too.

   I was given my personal belongings that were left at the school, all my stuff had already been moved over into the new room as well. I just needed to unpack it all and arrange everything. wouldn't be too hard, but first I have to go talk to whoever is in charge here and get my schedule sorted out.

   I shot a quick text to Izuku after seeing all kinds of missed calls and texts asking where I am and if I'm OK. Seems like someone had seen me being escorted out of the school in cuffs and rumors spread like wildfire. I'd told him that he and Shin could meet me at my new place this weekend if they had time and everything would be explained, while reassuring that I was definitely safe and fine as I walked through the unfamiliar halls.

   I took a deep breath and headed to find the person responsible for the school. For some reason, even though I knew the next couple years were going to be lonely, I was able to breathe easier than I ever had before. It was almost all thanks to that patchwork man of mine, if I hadn't have met him I'd have never gotten the chance at a new, better life. All the scary villain stuff included, I'm happy things turned out alright.

Time to start my new life...


The end
In a sense

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