chapter 32

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   As I got back to my own dorm, I gently dropped my bag at the door as my back slid down against it. Is my body slinked to the floor I could feet my heart pounding in my chest, I was breathing but it felt like the air I was gasping for wasn't enough. Panic attacks suck and I had no idea how to calm this one down.
   I'd fucked up when I said I'd stay, they were all villains and I should have known things weren't going to go as promised. I knew they were all stuck owing that ugly giant of a man something,  and I could tell they cared about me, but in that world you do what you can for yourself before anyone else. I knew they weren'tgoing to help me. So here I am, about to betray everyone I care about before all this, because I made a deal with someone scary. All I wanted was that godforsaken quirk of mine gone. I didn't want this. I didn't want the people I knew hurt, not Izu and Toshi especially.

   I stayed there for a good long while, having a silent breakdown until a loud knock came at the door I was pressed against. Thinking it was one of the boys I quickly wiped my tears and went to open the door. As soon as I turned the handle, it was swung open so forcefully that I was knocked back. Now even more panicked than before, I look up to see Aizawa, All Might, and Nezu. "You're under arrest miss L/N." Said Aizawa, his voice was tired and almost strained. He looked sad.

I'd been caught.
This was it, I'm going to end up in prison now or something. But it's better this way I guess than what would have possibly happened had I succeeded. I didn't fight, I just stood up and nodded as I wiped my tear stained face some more.

They cuffed me, sat me in a detective's car, and then I was taken to the nearest station. The ride was completely silent. When we got there I was guided to watch looked like your average interrogation room. I waited there for a good long while, just stewing in all the things that had lead to me landing here. If I could go back and just not have taken the deal with all for one, I would.

After a while the door creaked open to reveal a man with short brown hair. He came in with a smile as he took his seat across the table from me. "I'm detective Tsukauchi. I just need to run some questions by you. Mind you, my quirk let's me pick up on any lies or untruths."

I just nodded. "Don't have a reason to lie. From what I've heard I'm as good as dead since I got caught, so what's wrong with telling a few secrets." I chuckled dryly.

"You won't have anything to worry about. I assure you L/N. So tell me, you're with the league of villains right?" I nodded and gave a small yes.

The questioning went on for a while. Covered everything from life with the league, how I came to be a part of the group, even questions all the way back to when my quirk manifested. I answered everything honestly.

"Honestly I'd be expecting you to ask me where they are. Not all this other stuff." I said, genuinely curious as to why he hadn't.

"We already know where they are. Thanks to an informant that stepped up not too long ago. As soon as the other arrests are taken care of, you're free to go home." The detective said with a small smile.

"I- that seems too easy. What informant what happened?" The confusion in my voice was obvious as I looked at him, completely dumbfounded.

He didn't answer me, instead he just pressed what I assume was an earpiece and said to "bring him in now. Things are sorted."

My brows furrowed as I watched Tsukauchi. It didn't take long for the door to creak open again, my head whipping to the side as it did. My eyes burned with tears as a sob tried to slip out of my throat. Swallowing it back down, "you didn't..." was all I could manage before my throat knotted again with a sob.


Dabi's POV: The Night He Left

   Making my way through the alleyways and into the city, I can't help but think about what I'm about to do. To be honest I was terrified, but it's the only thing I know might work. I can't let Y/N get caught up in this shit. She's not meant for this kind of life.

I finally find myself on a familiar road, up ahead was an even more familiar house. I came up to quietly check on things from tike to time, but the last few years I had no need to anymore. It's been a while, but everything looked the same as it always had.

Walking through the entry way and up to the door. I knew the people here would probably ly be asleep so I knocked as loudly as I could and waited. It took a few minutes but the door finally opened and I was greeted by a woman I hadn't seen in so long. My heart squeezed so hard at finally being face to face with her again I almost couldn't talk. She looked worried, maybe even a little scared. She obviously didn't recognize me, though I didn't think she would. I looked very different now. "Can I help you?" She asked rather skeptically.

"It's me Yumi. It's touya." Her eyes widened as they quickly scanned my features, landing on the blue eyes I shared with our father. The tears fell as soon as she realized it really was me before pulling me into a crushing hug. I held her and let her sob into my chest, realizing that letting women cry on me was starting to be a regular thing.

After a moment I pulled her away, smiling softly as I took a deep breath. "I need to talk to da-... I need to talk to Endeavor. It's important." I said before looking her in the eyes. " and no matter what happens, don't get in the middle of it. Ok?"

That worried expression crept into her features again as she let me in and closed the door behind me before making her way further into the house.

My heart was slamming in my chest. I was about to come face to face with the devil himself, the man that made my childhood a living hell, the reason I look the way I do now all covered in these ugly scars. I wanted to turn around and run, but I knew I couldn't. I came here for a reason, and I'm going to swallow that fear, for Y/N.

She needs me...

Not a Monster (Dabi x Reader)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now