Final Start

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Midoriya's life took another strange turn when he had a dream? Or was it a vision? Either way it involved multiple people that were apparently part of his quirk- the previous holders. It was equally awesome as it was creepy. The other visages, however, seemed nice enough which included his supposed uncle. It was cool that he could still communicate with him. Maybe that's why his father had been so obsessed with finding and obtaining one for all. It was amazing talking with another relative that had also been close to his father, sharing a bond with the fellow white haired man that closely resembled Tocchan. Which made sense as they were brothers.

After the reunion/introduction, Izuku was informed that one for all carries a part of a person's essence: their memories, emotions, and personality. Meaning he could gain his lost memories back if he so chooses, as a copy of his memories was stored in the quirk before he suffered severe brain trauma causing his amnesia.

This left the boy torn. He loved who he was now, and granted it sucked not remembering his friends or family, but he had made new memories with them. Izuku was scared that he'd change after regaining his them, or maybe he'd be disappointed at who he was. Midoriya knew that everyone had some sort of trauma in life and perhaps it was best forgotten.

No! Memories make us who we are, we must learn from our mistakes, and push past the past in order to make us stronger in the present, to give us a future worth wild. The boy thought.

Izuku made up his mind thinking back to his father, his brother, Kacchan, his friends, his mother, his teachers, and All Might. He knew it was the right thing to do. Even if he remembered everything he promised to remain himself. He wouldn't all of a sudden become a different person, who knows maybe he wasn't all that different from his past self. There was no going back as he nodded his head to his predecessors. He wouldn't be the same, but everyone changes through life, nothing remains constant. Change was the only consistency the natural world provided, and Izuku Midoriya would face it head on like everything else in his life, perhaps though he should be more careful not wanting to cause more brain damage...

The seventh holder smiled warmly back at the boy, her black hair drifting gently from a ghostly breeze. Holding out her hand Izuku took it, steeling his nerves and bracing himself for what was to come. As soon as their hands made contact the world dimmed once more as Midoriya was flung into the dark abyss that was sleep.

When the boy came to again, he found himself in a familiar hospital bed eerily similar to when he first lost his memory. Granted it was no surprise to Izuku as the pristine cotton stretcher had practically become his bed with all the damage he'd done to his bones. Hopefully Recovery Girl didn't kill him again.

Wait a second... I remember! Recovery girl, Mr. Aizawa, mom- Tears began to well in the boy's eyes as images of his mom's cooking came to mind along with all the moments they shared that he had treasured before, but now would treat as sacred!

Before Izuku remembered All Might.

I can't believe the way I acted towards All Might! I hope he can forgive me! The boy sighed as he knew he owed a couple people apologies. He was glad his father was in his life again, but was he truly a villain?

Wait, I spend weeks with the League of Villains? Is Shigaraki actually my brother? On no. We called him Sensei, the only person Tocchan called Sensei was All for One. Was All for One really my father?

After Midoriya's mini panic attack at this new information he decided to get answers. In fact, he thought gaining his memories would provide answers to all his questions though it only made more. Or maybe that was just his overly analytical brain.

By the time he made it home after racing out of the hospital, to Yagi surprise and Recovery Girl's dismay, Izuku opened the door of his childhood home. It now contained an echo of his forgotten past, layering under his more recent skirmishes.

Izuku found both his father and Tocchan there, waiting anxiously for his return after hearing about his hospitalization.

Hisashi was concerned to say the least, his son had just suffered from brain trauma; he didn't need more harm to come to his only darling child. He was debating pulling Izuku out of UA, but he knew his son was stubborn and wouldn't want to leave his friends. No matter, it only meant more murdering on Hisashi's part for those who endangered his son, both heroes and villains alike.

"Dad, Tocchan, I have something to say." Izuku began in a somber tone, which immediately caused the room's temperature to drop, his serious expression getting across the severity of this discussion.

"I- my memory came back a-and I need to know," Midoriya glanced up hesitantly at his father and brother. "Are you All for One? And Tocchan you're Tomura Shigaraki, head of the league of Villains, right?"

At one point Tomura wouldn't have cared about the hero brat in front of him, but now he could feel his heart shattering. They had become close and he wouldn't lie- the kid was like a little brother to him. He would never admit it out loud, but at this moment he knew it was true.

"No. Sensei is actually the head-" Shigaraki explained.

"Tomura!" Hisashi screeched.

He couldn't believe the ungrateful imp he had raised would betray him so wholly. Pinning the blame all on him! The nerve! Someone was getting their videogame privileges revoked!

"But- yes we're both villains, brat. But that doesn't change anything!" Tomura proclaimed proudly.

"It kind of does." Izuku pointed out.

"Shut up brat, I'm having a moment here!!" Shigaraki yelled back.

"If you say, Tocchan." Midoriya rolled his eyes at his brother's familiar antics.

"Look I know this is a lot to take in right now son, but I promise you I won't leave you, not ever again." Hisashi stated.

He once left in self doubt, but now he had to stay to protect his precious son, he knew now leaving only hurt his son more, and he wasn't keen on his blonde replacement.

"Dad. It's a little weird, yes, but I could never fight my family. As long as you don't kill anyone I think I can overlook your nightly excursions." Izuku winked at his father.

"Unless it's necessary of course." Hisashi continued raising a brow.

"Of course! If someone betrays my father or my brother I'll kill them personally!" The boy replied, thinking back fondly on his father's training.

"That's my boy." Hisashi ruffled his son's curly white hair, a smile beaming across his face in pride.

"Tocchan I can't believe you're actually my brother. Back at the mall, were you actually trying to tell me that? I mean you can be rather intimidating so I think I got the wrong idea. Honestly I thought you were going to kill me-" The boy rambled out nervously.

"Yeah... that's right." Tomura agreed hesitantly.

It's better the brat thinks that instead of the actual truth. He might not be his biological brother, but as Sensei's son, and Tomura being his heir, it made sense that they would be brothers.

Well that went better than expected. Hisashi sighed to himself in relief.

"Oh and dad if you ever threaten All Might again I will personally handle you myself." The boy cheered back with an overly wide smile.

And like that Hisashi's calm was gone...

I really fucked up didn't I?

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