The Charade

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Izuku didn't know for how much longer he could keep this act up. It was tiring, and the boy wasn't really used to lying as he had told his dad (Sensei) everything. There had been no need to hold secrets, therefore Midoriya had been accustomed to telling the truth. However, since Tocchan's appearance the other day he had instructed the boy to do him a favor, Izuku found himself unable to refuse his big brother. So here he was waiting for the trap to spring...

Midoriya watched his first victim with keen eyes. He really wanted to stay and enjoy the show, but he still had another role to play, so instead he reluctantly and silently walked away disappearing into the crowd of busy students.

This was NOT Shinsou's day. He had been walking to class when all of a sudden he could no longer move his legs! Now he was covered in the sticky substance as he tried to free himself to no avail. It only got worse though, when Aizawa, who may or may not have been his dad, came looking for him.

The man was worried for his student that hadn't come to their usual practice before school, and went frantically looking for his lost boy. He didn't think he would find him stuck in the hallway, more less he hadn't expected to find himself also stuck in an awkward position as both struggled to free themselves.

I swear if this was Sero or Kaminari they will be expelled! Shouta screamed internally.

Aizawa wasn't the only one to fall for the trap, however, and soon the hallway was filled with various Pro Heroes and students alike. All the while Shigaraki was watching the live stream and laughing his ass off. Oh how he loved watching the heroes suffer. Tomura was even more grateful the brat had gone through with his plan, it was the perfect prank to lighten and uplift the villain's day. He eagerly watched as they crawled and struggled over each other resembling bugs caught in a trap. It was satisfying to watch them grovel about like the filth they were. Tomura was munching on popcorn as he burst into laughter at Eraserhead's hilarious positioning, his head practically shoved up Present Mic's ass. It was like watching a live comedy!

Though it wasn't only Shigaraki who was enjoying the show, Nezu also had it pulled up on the school's monitors, amused by the humans' idiocy while sipping his tea. He had to admit it was quite the show and he commended Midoriya for giving the sadistic animal new entertainment.

While all this was happening Izuku found himself walking to school with his friends like usual, as none of them noticed anything different, and were the perfect alibi.

They had gym first so most of class 1A had avoided the mess completely, and now stood around confused waiting for their teacher to come. After ten minutes it seemed clear something was up. That's how they found the chaotic hall filled with UA staff and students stuck in a strange yellow goop. The viscous liquid clung to every surface refusing to let go. The scene reminded the students of zombies or souls struggling to free themselves from the underworld.

Midoriya faked surprise along with his classmates as he tried to stifle a laugh at the ridiculous scene before him. Lying was no fun, but he had to admit Tocchan was right. Pranks were the best! And there was no harm so no foul, really worse could have been done. The boy could imagine Tocchan's smiling face twitching in laughter at the mess. He knew his brother was happily watching from home, as pride spread throughout Izuku for his handiwork. Pranks were fun!

The hall was eventually cleared, though school had been cancelled for the rest of the day. The perpetrator hadn't been found, though many like Aizawa wanted justice for the waste of time, and for forcibly having Mic's ass shoved up his face. The man really wouldn't have had a problem otherwise as it provided the perfect opportunity to sleep, but now his dignity was forever stained!

Shinsou was the first to fall in the trap, and had noticed the distinct green curls of hair Midoriya was known for. He had seen the prankster with his own eyes! And he wanted to make sure everyone knew about the supposed innocent broccoli's boy descent. However, whenever he accused said cinnamon roll everyone only defended the boy.

"Deku was with us the whole time, I mean he can't be in two places at once!" Uraraka reasoned.

"Yes I highly doubt Midoriya would engage in such behaviors." Ida agreed.

"You damn extra couldn't think of a better person to blame this on then Deku? You fucking retard have no clue what you're talking about so shut the hell up!!" Bakugou screamed in the purple boy's face.

After that Shinsou gave up. He hated how everyone took Midoriya's side, but even more than that he was afraid of the sway the demon had over his friends. The boy really could get away with anything! And just the thought of that sent chills down his spine. Shinsou really hoped it was only pranks for now and not murders in the future.

He stormed out of the building heading to the dorms, swearing his revenge on the prank master: Izuku Midoriya. 

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