The Awakening

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The boy opened his eyes, blinking back the drowsiness and confusion that sleep seemed to induce. However the confusion didn't seem to be going away.

Where am I?

What's going on here?

He was in an unfamiliar white and pristine room with the smell of various chemicals drifting gently across the air. A monitor was rhythmically beeping behind him.

This was not how today was supposed to go, the boy thought frustratingly to himself. Though now that he thought about it, he couldn't remember why that was, or how his days normally went. His face contorted farther into puzzlement as he tried to recall what had happened to him. All he got was the same emptiness that encompassed his slumber moments before. At this point he was visibly freaking out as he began muttering incoherently to himself.

He was so lost in thought he didn't notice the man standing in front of him until he began clearing his throat.


The boy stopped suddenly as an ominous silence clouded the room. 

Yagi tried again. 

"Young Midoriya you are in the hospital right now, you are safe and so are your classmates so their is no need to worry." The former number one hero was proud of the assurance his voice was exuding in hopes of it spreading to his protégé. Which contrasted his truly worried and concerned emotions ripping through him at the moment.

The boy seemed to notice the gaunt man that stood before him. Tall as he was, with his frail form he didn't look intimidating, just rather sad. He had stopped his ramblings and was curiously glancing at the skeletal man before him. 

Seeing his student had relaxed a bit Yagi continued on.

"Young Midoriya, I know your still recovering, but I need to know what happened out there, for your safety as well as for the others." Yagi wanted to know who had done this to his pupil, his practical son. Toshinori wasn't typically a man to be swayed easily by revenge but he couldn't help the overprotective nature he felt towards the boy. Especially since the boy's mother told him how much young Midoriya looked up to him as both a hero and more recently a father figure.

Now Yagi glanced into those same bright green eyes that always seemed to hold a contiguous joy, though now seemed troubled.

Fear flickered across the boys face instead of answering his question. Yagi reflected his expression panic gripping his heart. 

"What's wrong my boy?" He tried sounding calm, however, this time the concern was notably evident in his voice with his fists clenched by his side.

The boy was trembling, his soft voice suddenly breaking the tense silence.

"I don't know."

The statement was simple, yet Yagi was confused by the words. Did he hear his successor correctly? That couldn't have been what he said, right?

So Toshinori's only reply was a surprised, "What?" 

The boy had his brows furrowed in uncertainty, as if he couldn't quite believe what he had said either. Hesitantly though Midoriya answered his elder.

"I-I'm sorry w-who are you?" The boy stutter out, nervous of his still foreign surroundings and a stranger asking about him. He might not have remembered much, but 'stranger danger' was a lesson so ingrained into his being he had not forgotten the familiar instinct.

Those few words though stopped Yagi completely. It was as if the man had turned into a statue or one of those skeletons hung in science classrooms. 

Yagi couldn't believe this was happening, there was no way....

He stood there in complete shock only to be brushed out as some doctors and nurses came back. Yagi was too dazed to fight back and mindlessly followed the medical professionals directions. It wasn't until he was halfway out the door of the hospital that he regained his senses.

Young Midoriya! How could this have happened!

Today wasn't supposed to go like this, why did everything go sour whenever Toshinori got involved. He didn't know what he did to deserve this, but he knew he must have some pretty bad karma for something like this to happen.

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