Renewed Introductions

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Izuku opened his eyes. One minute he was outside the hospital, the next he was here at some bar? He barely knew who he was never mind where here was. He remembered being enveloped my a strange purple mist the rest was instantaneous. 

He curiously glanced about the room. It was filled with tables chairs along with a bar at the front. Glasses and wine bottles lined the shelves. Next to the bar was a misty cloud with glowing yellow eyes, it was polishing one of the glasses. Izuku recognized the mist as the same that had brought them there. 

Wow, he must have some kind of teleportation power! That's extremely useful and interesting, I wonder if he'll tell me more about it...

Izuku's savior's laughter broke the boys thoughts and incessant ramblings. The boy looked up at the man that had saved him, perplexed at his amusement.

"You seem rather curious, my boy. What is your name?" The man asked.

"It's Izuku. Izuku Midoriya. At least I think it is, I can't really remember." The boy replied a wide smile lightening up his face.

It warmed the old villains heart. 

"Well I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I can bring you back to the hospital.." The man began.

Hisashi loved his son, but he knew Inko's wrath firsthand and he didn't want to deal with the consequences if she found out what had happened. He also didn't want to mix his family into all the craziness that was his life now. He didn't want the two worlds to mix. But no matter what Hisashi wanted, it seemed fate had other plans.

Izuku cut him off, "You saved my life, I might not know who I am, but I know who you are."

Hisashi tensed for a moment,  how did he know?

"Your my hero." The boy stated simply, joy written across his face.

It was almost to much for Hisashi heart to handle. It was this moment that he decided he would try to make up with his son for lost times. He was given a second chance and this time he would raise Izuku right. He couldn't pass it up.

So the man had made up his mind, "Call me Sensei, Izuku child."

The boy seemed delighted at this and nodded his head gleefully. He turned his attention back to the mist man. He walked right over to him, deciding to poke the misty figure, surprised that their seemed to be no physical being beneath it. The boys eyes widened farther in curiosity. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but how do your powers work?" Izuku asked earnestly.

"I have a quirk that always me to teleport people and things." The mist man replied.

Confusion spread across the boys face as questions swam through his mind.

Quirk? What's a quirk? Is that what he calls his powers?  As though his powers are more than just an eccentricity or personality quirk, but that's not it. Maybe he just doesn't want to brag, with such a useful power. So what does it mean?

Two men walked into the room laughter dying on their lips as they stared at the newcomer. One had long light bluish hair covering his piercing red eyes, while the other had scars littered all over his face and body. Black hair swinging across his sapphire eyes. At first glance either of the two would look menacing, however, for some reason unknown to Izuku himself, he felt as if they were good people hiding under fierce masks. 

"H-hello. I'm Izuku Midoriya, who are you?" The boy introduced himself to the two men who looked clearly shocked, as if they had seen a ghost or something.

"It's you- you brat! What are you doing here?" The blue haired man asked.

"Uh, Sensei brought me here." The boy answered with a shrug, which only seemed to anger and confuse the man further.

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