Havoc Confusion

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People suddenly rushed into the boy's room. He was surprised to say the least, but was too focused on the blond man's words to freak out again.

He had called me Midoriya. Is that my name?

Wait. How could he forget his name? He frantically tried over and over, squishing his eyes together. The name seemed just on the tip of his tongue, yet continued to evade him- long forgotten. 

Midoriya... Midoriya what? Kusuo? No that wasn't right. Maybe Kyoya? No that wasn't it either.

Panic began to grip him as he started to shake again. His mind flooded with thoughts and feelings he couldn't explain. 

He had no memory. 

Midoriya had concluded this as memory loss as their was no other way to explain it. He had amnesia, something that was practically impossible to reverse. Cold dread gripped his heart as his face suddenly grew wet. Surprised by the tears streaming down his face he stopped his mutterings and noticed once again the random people crowding in the room.

"Are you alright Mr. Midoriya?" One of the nurses asked.

"Do you know where you are?" She tried again seeing the confusion in the boys distraught face.

The kid shook his head more tears threatening to fall down. 

"I can't remember anything." He replied hopelessly as a sob broke free from his throat.

Midoriya could no longer contain his emotions as tears spilled haphazardly across his cheeks.


Inko couldn't believe what she had just heard. Here she was at the hospital to check up on her reckless son. Worried out of her mind that he was hurt or worse dead... 

Instead she had walked into his room filled with nurses trying to console her crying child. That's when she heard it. 

He doesn't remember anything? Even me his own mother? That can't be...

Inko, released from her shocked stupor, charged the rest of the way through the room, to her distressed son. She would be here for him no matter what happened.

"Izuku, are you alright? What happened? Your not hurt, are you?" The questions just came pouring out along with her nerves. 

She was his mother, which meant she wouldn't let him continue to hurt himself. When she had gotten that call from UA telling her that her son was in the hospital, she immediately ran out the house and desperately began driving to get there. She had been so worried about what had happened to her darling only son.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we think he might be suffering from amnesia, we're going to need you to leave the room so we can continue to care for your son." One of the nurses had tried to hold Inko back to no avail.

"He's my son, I need to be here for him more than ever!" She exclaimed and turned back to her son's face.

Horror dawned on Inko as she saw the unrecognition in her son's eyes. He flinched back from her touch.

"W-who are you? Wh-here am I. W-w-what's going on?" Izuku asked terrified of the crowding people around him. 

"You need to leave, it's overwhelming for him. You'll be able to see him again once he get him stable." The nurse tried to push Inko back towards the door, this time with success, as she was too shocked to fight back.

My son.... She thought as she was shoved out the door and into the quiet hallway.

The beeping of the monitor began to become erratic as the boy hyperventilated.

"Calm down Midoriya, you are at the hospital getting treated for your wounds. We need you to relax, so we can continue to do our jobs." The nurse stated in a comforting voice, relaxing the boy's nerves.

The beeps were steady once again. Midoriya took a deep breath. 

That woman had said she was his mother, but he couldn't remember her. How pitiful was that? Not being able to remember his own mother. He had to push those thoughts back, as his muscles loosened and he laid slowly back down on the cotton bed.

Taking this opportunity the nurses began fiddling and changing out the equipment attached to him. Some wrapped his throbbing arms, others were disinfecting cuts and bruises. 

Just as suddenly as they began they stopped, and headed out of the room once more. Leaving Midoriya to his thoughts. 

That woman called me Izuku. Is that my name?

He tested the words on his lips but they sounded no more familiar to him than the woman who was supposedly his mother. Whether or not that was his name, he liked the sound of it as his voice echoed back in the empty room. 

So my name is Izuku Midoriya. 

What a funny name! It was ironic that their last name meant green as the emerald haired woman with loving viridian eyes, fit the name perfectly. It was almost comical in fact, if he didn't think about the situation he was currently in.

Midoriya's curiosity got the better of him as he began to sit up, his body aching as he testily put his feet against the cold tiled floor. He stood up steadily and walked to the door, glancing in the mirror next to it. 

He found green hair gleamed back at him with the same green eyes the woman had sported, only surprise and intrigue now flickering through them. A small boy no older than fifteen looked back at him. He put his hand up to his face as his reflection followed. He was entranced by his foreign features. It was startling to see yourself when you forgot what you looked like.

After a few moments of this he decided to head out the door he had seen so many others use, just wanting to get out of the stuffy room, and clear his head a bit. 

He walked down the halls glad that no one paid him a second glance as people rushed about. Midoriya was able to pass through quickly enough and wandered out the nearest door he came across. 

No sooner than the lack of support under his outstretched foot, did he realize he was falling and had walked right out the the side of the third floor. 

Today just wasn't really Izuku's day. He only wanted it to be over, now maybe it would end sooner than he thought.

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