Chapter 3

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Harry's Pov 
After the feasts and Ron's yelling, I send all students to their common rooms. I have Lady Hogwarts change the great hall so that now instead of four tables, there is now one really long table going down the great hall where the Hufflepuff table was. I sit down at the head of the table with all of the new teachers of my left with Sirius sitting next to me and Remus sitting next to Sirius. On my right sits all of the old teachers, Flinch, Dumbledore and Trelawney sitting at the end of the table. Snape is sitting next to me with McGonagall sitting next to him.

"Now before anyone accuses me, I have proof on how I own the school and as the owner of the school I can make changes to the staff, classes and who is headmaster"

"Mr. Potter, where is the proof," asks Snape.

I pull out the family tree and inheritance test that the goblins did on me when I went to the bank. I make copies of the papers and pass them to everyone at the table.

"What you have in front of you is the inheritance test I did when I went to Gringotts after my second year. Ragnok had the test done after my parents will reading at is where I learned that I was related to two of the Founders of Hogwarts. What I didn't know was that in the Chamber of Secrets when I went up against the memory of Tom Riddle, I became heir of Slytherin by conquest. Now Tom killed off the Hufflepuff line which means I hold most titles for Hogwarts. I was told because of that I became the owner of the school".

Both I say anything else Sirius stands up and hugs me. This brings me to the next topic since technically to the order of the Phoenix Sirius is still supposed in Azkaban. 

" One of the new teachers is Sirius Black who was proven innocent over the summer".

"Harry my boy". says Dumbledore.

"What Ablus and don't call me your boy".

"How do you know Mr. Black is innocent". asked Dumbledore

"He was never given a trial and Peter Pettigrew was the real secret keeper, Now I'm going to say this one time and one time only, Sirius Black is innocent of all charges and he will be only of the new teachers here at Hogwarts. Now I would like to talk about the classes, uniforms and all of the new teachers. After we are done with the Staff meeting Dumbledore and Trelawney will find their stuff outside the great hall and will have to leave immediately since they no longer work here".

I pull out the listen for the uniforms since that will be easier to do and it will not take up a whole lot of time.

"For the past two years since I have been here at Hogwarts, I have come to realize that the uniforms just don't work with the classes so I'm changing the uniforms. The two plain work robes that the first years bought will be used for written testing only. The new uniforms will be white short sleeve shirts with vests that are house colors along with one vest that is black and another vest that is gray with the house colors lining the vests.  For the female students, they will have the choice of wearing a shirt or pants that are black or gray. For the male students, they will have a choice of black or gray pants. All students will be wearing black or gray tennis shoes when in uniform". 

When I get done talking I look up to see everyone staring at me. 

" How did you come to the fact that the uniforms don't work". ask McGonagall. 

"When in Potions class, if the sleeves or something on the robes gets into the potion then something bad can happen. In D.A.D.A, The robes just get in the way and it can be dangerous. For the other classes, I just don't think we should have to wear robes since we will not be wearing robes in the other classes. Now we will move onto all of the teachers". I say.  

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