Chapter 18 (2nd day of Trials)

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Previously on The New Hogwarts

Harry's Pov

Granger starts sobbing and Ron starts yelling as the Auroras pull them out of the Courtroom. Once everyone leaves and I say goodbye to Jack and Amelia. I head back to Hogwarts where Severus is waiting in my office.

"How did the trial go"? asks Severus

"Good, they were found guilty and sent to Azkaban for 100 years with their magic bound". I say

Severus and I spend the rest of the day in my office including dinner before we head to bed where I fall asleep fast but not before saying I love you to Sev.

" I love you". I say

"I love you too". says Severus


Harry's Pov

Today is the second day of trials with Ginevra Weasley, and Molly Weasley. I had Ginevra charged with line theft and stealing of money and family heirlooms while Molly was charged with Line theft, stealing money, stealing family heirlooms, and the creation of an illegal marriage contract between me and Ginevra Weasley. This trial will be a little longer than Granger and Ronald's since Molly has one more charge than her daughter. Jack wants me there at 8 am so that we can go over the evidence that we have on them. 

Waking up at 7 so that I have time and don't have to rush. I go to move out of bed but I'm once again faced with the octopus in my bed also known as Severus. I don't even dare to call Severus an octopus to his face because I know it will get me in trouble but it's true. Severus has his arms locked around my waist and both of his legs are tangled with mine while his face is buried in my neck where I can feel his snoring. 



"Severus." I say louder

When that doesn't work I reach for my wand and give a little shock to Severus which makes him wake up but not let go of me. 

"What the hell."

"Sorry Sev, but you wouldn't wake up when I called your name. I need you to let go of me so I can get ready for the trial today." I say while giving a peck to Severus's lips. 

Severus lets go of me and I head to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Once I'm dressed I sit down on the bed and run my hand through Severus hair which is soft. 

"How long do you think the trial will last today?" asks Severus

"A little longer than yesterday's trial because of the one extra charge on Molly." I say

"I love you Harry." 

"I love you too Sev. I will see you later." 

Severus nods his head and I leave for the British Ministry of Magic and meet Jack at the floo. We get checked in before heading to Courtroom Ten. We sit at our table and go over the evidence for today with the two. At nine, the Wizengamont comes in and takes their places, then the judge comes in because we wanted an unbiased person to be the judge for the trials who is the same judge from yesterday. When the Aurors bring in Ginevra and Molly, they both look like crap and I can tell that Molly has a silencing charm over her.  They sit down at their table with the lawyer Simon Haley whom the Order of the Phoenix hired for both of them. 

"Today we are here for the trials of Ginevra Weasley charged with line theft and stealing of money and family heirlooms and Molly Weasley nee Prewett who is charged with Line theft, stealing money, stealing family heirlooms, and the creation of an illegal marriage contract between Mr. Potter and Ginevra Weasley." says Judge Taylor

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