Chapter 14 (Staff meeting Part 1)

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I'm well aware of the fact that Thanksgiving is solely an American holiday as I'm American and every four years my birthday falls on Thanksgiving so I know that it's an American Holiday. I'm also aware at the British don't celebrate Thanksgiving but since this is my story I chose to have the characters celebrate Thanksgiving. 

Chapters 14 and half of Chapter 15 are fillers before we get into what Harry gets up into during Yule break.


Previously on

The New Hogwarts

Harry's Pov

"The marriage contract that was between Ginevra and I has been voided because my legal guardian didn't sign it but don't worry Molly, Ginny will still be getting married and her new fiance is Argus Filch". I say

Molly starts screaming despite the silencing charm and Ginny starts crying harder. They are led out of Hogwarts and most families go back to the feast.

By the time I'm back in my bedroom at the end of the night, I can say that this is the best Thanksgiving I have had in my whole life. I climb into bed with Severus.

"Goodnight Harry". says Severus

"Goodnight Sev". I say

Leaning over I press a kiss onto his lips before laying back down and falling asleep. 


Harry's Pov

The last month since Thanksgiving has been crazy especially when it came out about the arrest and the marriage contract.  Tomorrow is the start of Yule break and I can't wait to be away from the students who keep asking questions about what happened.  I'm spending Yule day with Sirius and Remus and the rest of the break with Severus. I can't wait to spend the day in bed with Severus and not have to do any type of work.  

I'm holding a staff meeting to get updates on how the students did for the first half of the school year and how all of the new classes are going. It's a little wired having all of the staff together again because of how many staff members there are. Sitting in the Great Hall after all of the students are in their dorms with the Perfects watching them. 

"Welcome to the Yule break staff meeting". I say

Everyone sits down at the long table. 

" I want to hear how the students are doing for the first half of the school year and I want you to tell me if anything needs to be changed". I say 

Everyone nods their heads.

"First things first I want to hear from the Head of Houses. How are the students"? I ask

"All of my Ravenclaws have been doing well. I have been working with Miss Lovegood about her being bullied and punishing the students that were bullying her. Besides the bullying, nothing has been happening in Ravenclaw". says Flitwick

"The Hufflepuffs have been settling in well. Everyone has been attending their classes and trying not to get in trouble or detention". says Sprout

"Things have been starting to settle down now in Gryffindor, especially since Miss Granger's, Miss Weasley's, and Mr. Weasley's arrest. Most of my students are still having a hard time with the fact that you Mr. Potter are the headmaster and owner of the school". says McGonagall 

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