Chapter 16

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I want to give an update about how I have been. There are a few things that I want to let you know.

First Thing:

Thank you to everyone still reading my stories and commenting because I know that you as readers are still enjoying the stories and that makes me happy. Also thank you for all the comments on my last update and for being understanding and patient about the time in between chapter updates.

The second thing:

I'm personally doing good. I wanted to update during my winter break, but I also wanted to spend time with family and not worry about College. Then a week before classes start, the plan was to get a chapter out of some stories, but I ended up getting the flu. Now college has been in going on for four weeks, and it's still stressful as hell, but I'm more prepared for this semester.

Third Thing:

Chapter updates are still going to be very random until probably June. I don't think I have said this, but I'm in college to become an EMT which is taking up a lot of my time, and I will be busy until after The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, or known as the NREMT. It does mean that updates will come when I have the time to write.

Fourth thing:

This one is for the story, I want to know from you the readers, How do you think that Harry's and Severus's relationship should progress along with Harry's relationship with Sirius and Remus? I might have ideas in my head about how I want the relationships to go, but I also want to know what you want to see for the most part.


(1008 words)

Previously on

The New Hogwarts

Harry's Pov

I finish the meeting before letting my staff go and prepare to send the students off in the morning. I head up to my office and get ready for bed. Hearing a knock on my door, I walk over to the door and open it to see Severus standing there in his sleep clothes. Pulling Severus into my bedroom, I push him onto the bed, lay down, and cuddle into him. Leaning up I kiss Severus before laying back down.

"Goodnight Sev."

"Goodnight Harry."

We fall asleep


Harry's Pov

I woke up when I felt the arms around me move away, and the heat that Severus was giving off moved away from me, and I couldn't feel the groan that left my mouth. 

"Relax, I'm just going to the bathroom, then I will be back." says Severus 

After about five minutes, Severus returns to bed and cuddles against me again. I give off a happy sigh. 

"What are your plans for the day"? asks Severus

"Right now, I plan on staying in bed with you." I say

Severus and I stay in bed for three more hours before getting up and watching the students leave for Yule break before I head back to my office to do some needed work for the arrests and trials. Around 2 pm, Sirius and Remus come to my office, and we eat lunch before they leave Hogwarts, and I will join them tomorrow until after Christmas.  I can't wait until the trials are over because I can close that part of my life and move on without watching over my shoulders. 

Severus joins me in my office and reads a book as I approve lesson plans for the rest of the school year.  

"Yesterday you said that you had to tell me something"? I ask

 "Yes, I wanted to tell you that if you wanted to, you could spend more time with Sirius and Remus". says Severus

"Thank you for telling me that." I say 


Over the next two days, I spent time with Severus and finished all of the paperwork that needed to be done as Headmaster of Hogwarts before I started on the homework I had to do since I'm still a student here at Hogwarts. Today I'm leaving for 12, Grimmauld Place to spend Yule/Christmas eve with Sirius and Remus, and I'm staying three days with them. 

 This is the first time I'm spending a long period of time with Sirius since getting him out of Azkaban. When Sirius was first released from Azkaban, he couldn't look at me without calling me James. After a month of healing and talking to a mind healer/therapist, Sirius started calling me Harry and getting to know me for myself, not as the boy who lived or as James and Lily's son.  

I met Remus when I first started looking into my parents and Sirius. The first time I met Remus in person, I yelled at him for not being around.  When Remus told me about how he is a werewolf and how he was told that I was safe and shouldn't have any contact with the Wizarding World until my 11th birthday. Over the past year I have gotten to know Remus more, and I like Remus.  

I get my things packed and hear a knock on the door. Walking over and opening the door, I see Severus standing there, I step to the side and let him come into my office. 

"I wanted to come to see you before you left to the mutts and the wolf's for the next few days". says Severus

"Thank you Severus". I say 

I pull Severus into a kiss before pulling back. I walk over to my desk and grab my bag before grabbing the floo powder and throwing it into the fireplace. 

" Grimmauld Place". I yell 

Stepping into the fireplace, I floo and step out into the living room of Grimmauld Place and I'm immediately pulled into a hug by Sirius and I feel like I'm being crushed. 

"Sirius you have to let Harry breath". says Remus

"I'm sorry Mooney, but I'm so happy to have Harry here". says Sirius 

" I get that Sirius, but you can't do that if you kill Harry with your hug". says Remus

Sirius finally lets go of me and I pull in breaths. 

"I know we are all at Hogwarts but how have you been"? asks Remus

" I have been good. Getting used to both classes and being Headmaster of the school". I say

" That's good pup. Now what do you want to do". says Sirius 

"I don't care what we do". I say

"How about we show you the room that you will be using, and then we will give you a tour of the house". says Remus

"That works for me". I say

They take me up to the second floor and the first door on the right side of the hallway, opening the door I see that it's a slightly larger than normal-sized room. There is a queen-sized bed in front of the window with a nightstand on each side. A fireplace is on the same wall as the door, and a closet is on the opposite wall. The walls are a green, and the floor is black. Overall the room is depressing, but from what I saw on the way up, the whole house is depressing. 

"This will be your room when you come over so that means that you can change it to your liking pup". says Sirius

They take me on a tour of the house, and I was right about the whole house is depressing.  After the house tour, we sit down in the kitchen and have dinner before we end up spending the next few hours talking, with Sirius and Remus telling me stories about my parents and the mess that they would get into. It's around 1 in the morning when I head to bed.  Putting my wand under my pillow where I can grab it in case something happens, I lay down and fall asleep quickly. 

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