"Can we?"

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                                                                                              Ali L POV

"I think I wanna get back together with the other girls from Fifth Harmony" Ally B said. My eyes widened. Did she just say that? I mean I'd love for them to get back together but would the others agree? I nodded "Ok, um I have a few questions but I'm gonna start with my first, would you include Camila?" I asked helping Ally B stand up and raising my hand to wipe away the tears she had rolling down her cheeks. She blushed a little when I did that. "Thanks, and yeah I at least would want to. If we are going to bring this band back it has to be the full band. And without Camila its not the full band" she said and I nodded we went and sat down on the lounge. Ally B asked me "Also in the video you said that we saved your life 3 times what do you mean by that?" I sighed and grabbed an apple. (Trigger warning, suicide mentions. skip id say 3 lines and itll be over) "Ok, well I was going to commit suicide but when you released Better Together I convinced myself against it to see more of your music. Pretty much the same with the other two times." I said and Ally B nodded I spoke again after taking a bite of my apple "Ok but if your serious about this we have to discuss a good few things before we bring it up to the others. But, before we go serious I found a box of CDs in the back of the my closet at Demi's house. Not sure what they are so you wanna but them in and see?" I asked and Ally B smiled and them nodded. I went and grabbed the box. While I was putting the first CD in I asked "Hey uh do you have Dinah's number? It just occurred to me that we will need that if we are serious about doing this." I looked at Ally B and she nodded. My phone dinged as I sat down on the couch. I looked at the contact which was labeled "TheDinahJane🔥" I looked at Ally B as I grabbed the remote. "I never changed it since she put it in my phone as that a couple years before we broke up" I nodded and grabbed the remote. Fingers crossed these weren't sad. The first video started playing. I saw Selena eating pizza with someone I didn't recognize. Then The unknown girl said something funny I'm assuming because Demi and Selena burst out laughing "Britney no!" I heard Demi say from behind the camera in between laughs. So it was Britney Spears. I'd never cared to see much of her so it makes since I didn't recognize her. They were playing games. I looked at Ally B and saw her smiling. "They're cute" I nodded. The video ended shortly after. The only label on the CDs was year. I picked 2012. The set up for X Factor showed up. It was Camila's audition. Then it cut to Demi hanging out with everyone. I looked at Ally B and she smiled. It was good to see her happy again. We watched a few more and them it cut to a video that I think was supposed to be Demi playing games with Fifth Harmony but ended in them fighting. Screaming. I turned the video off and looked at Ally B. "If you remember what was that fight about?" she sighed and looked at her lap. "Mila brought up having a solo career and staying in the band. The others got really really mad because she had already recorded a song just her and someone else. Everyone got so mad and then everyone was screaming at each other, I didn't know Demi had recorded that." she sighed again and I nodded. we watched a few more until we came to one with an actual label. "Lauren's first solo song" which was expectations, she was singing it in the studio. we finished watching them all and Ally B looked at me. "What are the other girls in your phone as" I asked she nodded and scooted over to me. She pulled up her contacts and showed me Normani first "Manibear🐻" I nodded and she showed me Lauren next.        "PlanetGreenEyes💚" then Camila "Mila🍌🔥" I nodded and then said "Now we gotta sort out a couple things about bringing you five back together. First off, why did you guys break up and why did Camila leave. Don't give me the BS press answer either." I said and Ally B nodded shrinking back a little at my words. "I'm sorry I'm just in a bit of a mood today. Anyway why did you break up and why did Camila leave." she nodded and came and hugged me. "Camila left because she wanted to stay in the band and have a solo career. The management wouldn't let us talk to her and we had to shut her out. We were fine with her having a solo career too but management wouldn't have it. So she left. We broke up because well we wanted what Mila had wanted and some of us were just done with the abuse from management" I nodded and typed it into my phone "so we'd have to get y'all different management. And I had an idea what if you all had solo careers and the band too?" Ally B's eyes lit up. "Yes!" I smiled I had good ideas every once in a while. We continued talking and everything was fixed I looked at Ally B "you want to call the other girls and see what they think?" Ally B nodded and said "Can we do it on your phone?" I pretended like I was thinking "can we?" I nodded and we rang a group call on my phone. After 2 rings various people began to pick up. Dinah and Normani were last left to pick up. Dinah was a wild card so I didn't necessarily expect her to pick up. Lauren picked up first. "Als! Allysus!" I smiled I was glad they were happy to see each other. Then Camila. "Ali! Momma Als!" I chuckled and Ally B nodded "my children." She said causing me to put the phone down to stifle a laugh. I picked it back up to see Normani had answered. And she was getting a belly button ring put on? Ok what was happening right now. I cleared my throat causing Normani to look at the phone "Hey Ally hey Alison!" I looked at her side of the screen and began talking "Hey Normani actually I go by Ali but around Ally B it's Ali L if you don't use a nickname" I said to which she nodded. She looked at the other 3 sections of the phone before opening her mouth. "I have a lot of questions. First off, why are we calling all of us back together and second why is Ali L with Ally B?" I nodded at Lauren who looked at me questioning my through the camera. "Ali L is on a tour with Momma Als right now. And to answer the first question I have no idea why. So the Allys or Alis why are we on this call?" Ally B was about to answer when Dinah finally picked up. "Wh-Lauren? Camila? Ally B? Normani? And to the girl with Ally B who you?" I chuckled I figured Dinah say something like that. Everyone had kinda started talking at the same time except on Normanis end she was celebrating getting a belly ring in? Wow these girls confuse the sh** out of me. I cleared my throat causing Ally B to quiet down followed by everyone else. "Ok hi Dinah I'm Ali L. L stands for Lovato FYI. And to answer the earlier questions you all are on this call because we have something to ask you all. Ally B go ahead and ask them." I said handing off my phone to Ally B. She spoke all at once "Iwanttogetbacktogetherwithyall" the girls mouths hung agape until I said "close your mouths you'll catch flies." Dinah laughed "so you've met Demi" I nodded and said "my last names Lovato what'd you think bi***?" Earning laughs from the other girls and a slap on the back of the head by a Bible from Ally B. "No swearing my child." She said causing all the girls to laugh me included. "And Momma Allysus is here" Dinah said which made us laugh slightly harder before Lauren said. "Guys I guess are thought are in sync or some creepy sh** because I literally was going to call you guys about this later." Ally B looked at Lauren's section of the screen. "No swearing child" she said. The other girls looked at Lauren "I was going to say the exact same thing" they said in unison. "Well that's creepy af any how so let's discuss this." I said causing the girls to laugh in sync. "Again creepy af any how discuss please I gotta work on school work" they nodded I handed Ally B my phone and grabbed my laptop. Little did the girls know I was a senior in college. I was finishing up stuff tying loose ends and then I have a graduation ceremony online. I finished tying the loose ends and said out loud "ok done with college now." Causing Ally B to look at me and the girls of Little Mix to pop their heads out front their bunks. "College? Girl what?!" I heard from all different directions. I chuckled "yeah my graduation ceremony is in a couple months if I wanna go in person so I've got time to end this tour and it's in 2 weeks for online." I said like it was the most simple thing on earth. "Girl your 14 and made it longer in school then me. And I'm 10 ish years older then you" I chuckled "Fiona and I always did school type stuff when we weren't doing music. She brought me up past her level so the orphanage had to enroll me in an online school so I could do my accurate grade work. And this happened" I said Lauren had not done college and she was the one who said that. They all went pack to talking and Perrie walked over to me. "Als come hang out with me." I chuckled "sure Pez. Ally B don't steal my phone!" I said loud ish and walked to sit with Perrie on her bunk. She looked at me. "You wanna go outside and play truth or truth?" I laughed "sure Pez let's go" I walked outside with Pez and Leigh on my tail, "alright sit sit let's gooooooooo" I said and we sat. We played and played me having my phone returned and Ally B and everyone joining eventually. It was bed time that night when I asked Ally B "what happened are y'all together again?" She looked at me "well we....."
Hey y'all might start a new fan fiction, I got followed by someone today! I followed them back. You know who you are if your reading this. Thank you! Any how I NEED A HOBBY! I want to sing but I can't get any professional training where I live so LIFE SUCKS! I can sorta sing but I'm no good, especially not to do much at all with it. Love you guys I'll quit boring you. Thanks,


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