Tears,Cake and Cuddles

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                                  Ally B POV
Ali L would not tell me what she posted so I decided to look for myself I know she told me not to but I need to. I know it's invading her privacy and everything so I'm sorry lord please forgive me. I got on her channel and saw the video "Fifth Harmony Mix" I started to play the video. It started with bits from all our auditions. Lauren fan girling over Simon me not wanting to stop singing, Normani being absolutely amazing, Dinah being her goofy self and there was only a shaky clip of Camila since the didn't air her audition. Then text flashed across the screen. "Let's just say my life was way less then perfect less than a year ago. These girls saved my life 3 times just by being themselves and for that I'm so grateful. This isn't going to be so form of a rant on how I'm upset they broke up that was multiple years ago. I am going to say, Lauren, Normani, Dinah, Camila and Ally you girls made it so far and are so amazing."  I was tearing up. I listened to the audio which made it worse. This was a decently long video. Clips of covers we had posted appeared. A clip of Camila messing around with Normani popped up and the audio was from See you Again. Then me having fun singing Lego House. Every one of us was shown singing a cover. Then text again, "sorry to keep interrupting but here we go. I had quite a life before recently. My idols adopted me. I have had the pleasure of meeting all five of these girls and more of them. I got to know them for them instead of constantly fangirling. Really this isn't a break up mix it's my tribute of their journey. They've come so far from the young 15,16,17,18, and 19 year olds they were to now pop stars. I know and you do too that this journey wasn't easy at all but they made it and we followed them through it all, I'm gonna shut up now and let this video play." The text went away and it showed clips of us goofing off together Lauren laughing about baked Macaroni and cheese, me being my holy short stack ness. Dinah and Camila joking around till midnight in hotels keeping us all up and Normani coming and hanging with me just to keep away from Dinah and Camila. Then all of us together. I was sat in my bunk now quietly crying and watching the video. Us performing on X factor and then text once again "this group was an inspiration to me. Now instead of dwelling on them as a group I'm gonna add in their later stuff (2017,2018) and then them as solo artists. I was getting spam that said they should never have broken up but you can see their smiles fading in the later stuff and then when they become solo artists their smiles are back just like when they performed on X Factor" I turned the video off when Ali L tapped me. "You watched the video didn't you?" I nodded "Oh lord Ally B I told you not to because I knew it would make you like this. Anyway you have to open presents and eat your birthday cake but first what's wrong?" I sighed "I-I I think I wanna get back together with the other girls from fifth harmony."
Hey all got real sad making this chapter. What should happen? Should the girls get back together (in the book)? I need opinions y'all I'm gonna take a break from writing this if no one is reading and I may have to do that. I'm sorry. I'll try to stay motivated though. Did any of y'all cry reading this? I almost cried writing it. Sorry for the sad chapters. But that's how real life is.
                   Thanks guys love you all,

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