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I was messing around with a new video. Before you go, See you again and to my ex best friend fifth harmony edition. It was suggested once I posted the other one with Sierra and Me. I couldn't let Ally B see this though she would get upset. Sad. But I was working on the lounge couch and I heard Ally B say "Ali L?" I looked up from my laptop "do you have a tattoo?!" I chuckled "I knew you'd react like this but yeah I do and FYI Demi and everyone know about it so yeah" she looked at me in shock. "Oh. Wow. What are you working on?" I sighed "a video" she looked excited "if it's another mix can you play it for us?" I shook my head "no sorry Ally B this one just isn't something you would like. I can show the others but you wouldn't like this one at all" she nodded and said "why? I can handle it." I shook my head "I'm not showing you the video but it was suggested that I do a fifth harmony edition mix. Not in the way your thinking. One with fifth harmony stuff as the video. Other songs for audio" I said and she nodded and I got back to doing it I finished rather quickly with Ally B sitting on the couch watching TV. I paused the TV "Ally B? Who out of the other girls can handle a pretty sad video?" She looked at me "uh everyone but Jesy" I nodded and walked to their bunks. "Y'all I made a relatively sad video mix type thing I want to show it to someone so anyone want to see it?" I asked and Perrie popped out "sure" I nodded and we went outside. We sat down and I played the video by the end Perrie had teared up. "That's so sad and so cute. Why did you make it?" I nodded "I made it because after I posted my Sierra and me video everyone said I should do this one." She nodded we walked back in and Ally B asked "why do you look like you've been crying Perrie?" She shook her head "nothing" Ally B nodded and Perrie got into her bunk. I sat down with Ally B to keep working on other mixes. This one was for Camila. It didn't work but as I was scrolling through YouTube I found Camila's old YouTube channel with a cover of Skyscraper on it. "Hold up didn't she say she deleted all of her covers?" I whispered and Ally B looked at me "who?" I took out my headphones "Camila" I said quickly and she nodded chuckling a little "you have to one show me and two send it to everyone. Especially Camila" I nodded and shared it while laughing she watched the video and smiled "this was before she even went on X factor. Wow" I nodded and sent it to Demi,Lauren, and Camila. In the text to Camila I said,
Ali L: Deleted all your covers huh?
Camila: how did you find this? Lol I didn't even think I left any online
Ali L: YouTube recommendations like everything else in my life. Lol I figured given in and interview you said you had deleted the all
Camila: did you send this to everyone else too?
Ali L: yup. They've all got the video now
Camila: dang.
I read everyone else's reactions. So funny. This day had gone pretty well. I just hope Ally B doesn't watch the video.
Hey all! So some of you might want to watch the cover other may not. B it for those of you who do Camilas old channel at least that what I think it is is called karlacabello for anyone who wants to look at it. Any suggestions? VOTE,COMMENT or whatever. No challenge for the day. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I have a trip and I leave tomorrow dunno when I come back so no updates for a while. Sorry for the short chapter.

Anxious-adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now