ER ― Mathew Barzal

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Pairing: Mathew Barzal x Female!Reader

Words: 1.3k+

Type: Fluff

Warnings: Being drunk, and getting hurt while drunk. Mentions of hospitals and ER.

You can be a mess when you're drunk

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You can be a mess when you're drunk. Like a complete and utter mess.

It usually depends on who you're spending the evening/night with. For example, if it's with a large group of people you might not have the best of connections with, you'll be rather drunk but still calm. Now, when it comes to your best of friends, yeah, there's no way you don't end the night with a scratch.

You're not one to start fights or cry your eyes out. You're not that type of drunk. You're the type of drunk that is way too excited all the time. That can be excitement over how good your drink is, how much you love your friends, or love anyone really, and even life on itself.

You're fun to around nevertheless. You're the one that makes the group laugh. And yes, even the drunk criers in the group.

To your relief, you're not the only one in the group that is like that. There are usually two more girls just like you. And, also, you end up making friends whether you like it or not.

When drunk in a bar/club, you're just one of the many people that dance too much and scream too much. And when you're just having a walk to your next club, you're the one to run off and decide to randomly want to go play basketball.

You're weird, just admit it.

Your friends sort of encourage you because you're always so funny whenever you do it, but they always save you from any awkward interactions or situations.

If you do start getting tired at one point, or even if your actual group of friends gets tired of your energy that does not seem to ever end, even at the end of the night, Mat is the one to call.

Your boyfriend usually is at your apartment doing whatever while you're out having fun. He does sometimes go with you, but it's different on girl nights.

He's the one to go pick you up in his car or just go get you from the front of the apartment building. He takes care of your too hyperactive ass and you couldn't be more thankful.

And that's what was supposed to happen today.

You were supposed to have fun and just go home to Mathew. But nop, you decided to do something different on your way to get an Uber.

You and your friend, at the last minute, decided to do a race to the parking lot. And even though that might found kind of weird and not that bad, you two are still bat shit drunk.

You honestly didn't think that you could take a step and not giggle.

So... what happened? You two ran off, against the screams and the giggles of your friends and completely forgot you were in heels.

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