Second One ― Frederik Andersen

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Pairing: Frederik Andersen x Reader

Words: 1.6k+

Type: Fluff

Summary: After a lot of trying for your first baby, your second pregnancy happens to come by surprise.

Warnings: Female!Reader. Dad!Freddie, a whole softie for his family. Unplanned (second) baby. Mentions of pregnancy symptoms.

It has been a little bit over a year since you had your son

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It has been a little bit over a year since you had your son. You still remember how happy you felt when you discovered that you were pregnant. You and Freddie had been trying to have a kid for months, to the point that, quite honestly, you had started losing hope.

Truth be told, all your friends that are planned parents did say that whenever you stop worrying about the whole thing, it ends up happening. Which it is true, in your case. Yet it was still a surprise that made the two of you hysterical.

And now, you got a giggly redhead one year old running up and down the house with a miniature hockey stick in hand, which he uses to destroy the stuff on your hallway - that's at his reach.

Freddie is absolutely obsessed with his son. But due to his job, he can't be present all that much. So, he always tries to overcompensate for his lost time. And that means: doing absolutely everything that he asks him to, always holding him and cuddling with him, buying him all sorts of stuff.

Just overall being a whole softy with his kid.

Whenever he's in a roadie, you can tell he's suffering a bit. He continuously tells you that he misses you when you call, as well as how he can't even sleep sometimes because his brain has grown accustomed to how chaotic your house is - a joke he loves to say just to see/hear you scold him for it.

When he does come back, he does not leave your side. He always has his arms wrapped around you. Whenever he's laying down, he has to have you on one side and the baby on the other, or over his chest. Even when he's sleeping, he just has this kind of iron grip on you.

He has just become the biggest family man ever and you honestly can't even complain about it.

You'll never forget how when on a facetime call, which is almost everyday before he goes to sleep or into a game, he just has this soft look every time his eyes land on the baby boy crawling up your bed and laying beside you or over your chest.

You just can always tell he misses you two but doesn't really say it.

Freddie's coming back today from a roadie that wasn't all that long, just a week, but you can tell that he'll make as big of an entrance in the house as any other roadie.

Now, here's the more interesting part.

You've been feeling weird lately. Every morning, your lack of appetite due to slight nausea has grown massively. You're not one to have any breakfast in the morning ever since you were younger, because the idea of food never sounds all that well - kind of depending on the night, to be quite honest. But now, you can't even drink coffee. Which is weird.

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