Revenge* ― Matthew Tkachuk

5.1K 39 0

Pairing: Matthew Tkachuk x Reader

Words: 3.1k+

Type: Smut

Warnings: Female!Reader. 18+. Cursing. Fingering. Oral sex (mentions of male receiving, but it's mainly female receiving). Online classes. Semi-public sex (while in zoom class).

Studying and working from home hasn't been all that stressful for you

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Studying and working from home hasn't been all that stressful for you.

At least for now.

All your professors of your college have, honestly, been the only pain in the ass, since they care so much about participation during classes or with doing essays, 'so it compensates your lack of physical presence in classes'. In other words, always having your camera on, unless you want to be kicked from the zoom call. Oh and yeah, have to hear their whining (if they're that type of professors) if they see you talking to someone off screen and looking down at your phone.

As annoying as that sounds, the fact that your boyfriend and you get to have and spend more time together - over not having to stay in campus to study or in the rink to work - it, honestly, makes you feel better.

And you being you and Matthew being Matthew, teasing is in the nature of your relationship. And just the fact that you both get to have the possibility to tease each other during inconvenient times just to get under each other's skin, it's fucking gold.

Yes, whenever you are in classes, Matthew is in zoom meetings, but there are days where he has longer meetings than you. And god, you do use those times to your advantage.

Your type of teasing can go one of two ways. It can be to just annoy the shit out of each other until someone laughs or just tackles the other off screen - yes, it has happened - or the sexual type of teasing.

The second one is more rare, and of course, more risky. You two obviously only do anything in days that, for an example, Matthew isn't in meetings with his coach or you aren't in online tests, or with certain teachers. But, of course, there're exceptions.

One of the most important problem of living with each other is that both you and Matthew have grown to be extremely comfortable with each other. I repeat, extremely comfortable.

Just imagine how your first day of online classes went when your very naked boyfriend walked right across your background while your professor presented himself.

You thankfully saw it before anyone could and your shoulders hid everything except for his chest, but it was still a very close call.

Nothing a pen thrown at his head couldn't fix.

It never happened again but the lack of clothing is still very real under your roof. Matthew puts on boxers and, in meetings, a shirt, and you... well, you only wear a t-shirt.

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