Braids ― Roope Hintz

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Pairing: Roope Hintz x Reader

Words: 1.2k+

Type: Fluff

Summary: Braiding Roope's hair.

Summary: Braiding Roope's hair

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"Pleaseeee." You drag down the word, palms resting against one another as you plead for your boyfriend to let you do what you want.

"Absolutely not."

This all started when you were innocently scrolling through social media, watching random videos and random posts on your explore page. Everything was normal, mostly food videos or silly others, until you swiped to the side to see what your friends have been posting lately.

You saw that one of your closest friends had taken a picture with their younger brother. His hair is usually loose, about chin length and brown, and now it was in two French braids, made by her (according to the caption).

And it looked really good!

You have been living with your boyfriend, Roope, ever since you had completed a year in your relationship, and it's shocking to you how it never occurred to you to just... braid his god damn hair!

We've all seen the iconic pigtails in games or how messily his hair sits on his head after games. Or, in your case, how he walks around the house.

He's surely not planning on cutting it any soon, so, you thought it would be easy to just convince him.

Yeah, well, right off the bat the blonde beauty didn't like your idea all that much. He refused with all his being, yet you did not give up.

"But just look!" You tell him, giving him your phone so he can see the picture you had just seen, "It will look so good on you."

He eyes the screen, a soft scowl still over his features, and after some silent seconds, he shakes his head at you.

You lay your phone back on your lap, giving him your puppy dog eyes and a tiny pout, and, nop, he's not budging.

"Nobody will ever know, I promise." You lay your hands on his shoulders, making sure he's looking at you, "It will just be between the two of us... Please?"

Roope stays silent and you hold your breath as you think he might be considering it. He knows you're in a group chat with both Miro and Esa, for a reason he does not know except that you're all super close.

This also means that any pictures would just be just one click away.

"Nop." He says, sure of himself.

You sit back on your heels since you have been sitting on your knees ever since he had sat beside you. Your hands are still on his shoulders but they aren't grabbing him anymore.

"But it would be so much fun." You try again, dragging your words like a kid.

He gives you another shake of the head, and you sigh.

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