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"Are you asleep?" Jongin mumbled, stroking his lover's hair.

Kyungsoo smiled, feeling a tingling sensation in his stomach as he heard the deep voice speaking softly. "Not yet."

Jongin glanced at the clock on his side table, and it read one o'clock. He has plenty of time, he thinks. "Let's sleep again."

"No," Kyungsoo protested, showing the male beside him a pout that never fails on Jongin. "I just want to stay like this."

"Like what?" Jongin asked, pulling the older nearer. He felt happy, feeling the warm breath of Kyungsoo hitting his skin at every exhale.

Kyungsoo buried his face on Jongin's chest, memorizing the scent he loved. "Like we're one."

They were one. It all started with a Christmas eve spent together under the mistletoe, where Kyungsoo kissed the side of Jongin's lips. It was supposed to land on the taller's cheek, but then, as if destiny worked it's magic, they deepened the kiss with an indistinct reason.

"We're always one, hyung." Jongin whispered, comfortably taking time to savor the moment where his skin is against Kyungsoo's.

"For the past days, we rarely went out." Kyungsoo sighed, pushing Jongin slightly away to look at him in the eye. "Are we still one, Jongin?"

Jongin's forehead creased and he grabbed Kyungsoo back to his chest. "Of course we are. I was just busy."

"If I let you choose between work and me, what would you choose over the other?"

"Hyung? You know-"

"I don't." Kyungsoo shook his head like a little child, badly wanting to be noticed, to be taken care of. "Tell me, Jongin."

Jongin sighed. His job is his life. But now, Kyungsoo is. "You."

Kyungsoo then happily snaked his arms around the younger's waist and embraced the firm body. "Thank you."

Jongin felt the déjà vu. Kyungsoo is asking for reassurance, like how he did on the first month that they started dating. "Hyung, do you love me?"

It was a silly question, both of them know. But no question's unimportant when it comes to this matter. "Because love is not like my rough drafts, hyung. It can't be proofread, nor would it be revised."

"Did Kim Jongin just defined love?" Kyungsoo teased. "Of course I love you. I do not know what we are right now, and we're nothing yet but unlabeled partners."

Kyungsoo ran his fingers in Jongin's hair, removing the latter's bangs out of his face. "But I know that love keeps us together."

"I love you, hyung."

It shocked them both, what Jongin said. It never happened before. And after a long time, Kyungsoo felt more than complete. "Did you just-"

"I told you hyung," Jongin simply uttered. "I love you."

Kyungsoo grinned. "I love you too, Nini."

They shared a hug in the same familiar warmth of sheets, their naked bodies entangled underneath. Yesterday was the day of hearts, but today, Kyungsoo felt better than he did than any other occasion. So did Jongin, whose heart, for the first time, beats for a special someone.


dedicated to somewhatnaive because I really love her works especially the kaisoo ones ❤

For the First Time [kaisoo]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon