Imagine Kili being insecure

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You were a hobbit. So you didn't know dwarf traditions. At least not all them yet. You were currently courting Kili the prince of Durin. He was teaching you more of dwarf culture but there was a lot so it was taking some time. You did know things like the process of courting, how to braid someone's hair and the different types of braids. but you mainly knew those because you had just started courting Kili. But there was more to dwarf culture than just how they court and that is what you wanted kili to teach you more of. For instance one particular thing about dwarves that you didn't know yet was their beauty standards. Which is what brought the current situation. You were sitting with Kili comforting him because he was feeling down about his looks. Which to you was crazy. You thought Kili was the most attractive dwarf you've ever seen. But then again until recently, the only dwarves you've seen are the ones in the company so you haven't seen that many but that's besides the point. You were not aware that in dwarf society, usually what is considered "attractive" is having a beard, big nose, and big ears. Clearly Kili has none of that, which you are very thankful for. But Kili does get made fun of sometimes by the other dwarves. Before you came along some of them used to say he would never get a wife with the way he looked. You knew they weren't trying to actually hurt his feelings, but it did he just didn't let them see. It was just a normal day but you came inside you and Kili's shared room. He was sitting on the bed and he looked upset.
"Hey Ki, something wrong?" You asked as you sat next to him and took his hand in yours.
"Do you think I'm handsome?" He asked, at first I thought he was joking because I've never made it a secret about how attractive I find him. But he had a serious look on his face.
"Yes of course you know that. I love bragging to everyone how handsome my prince is" you say with a small smile trying to cheer him up.
He smiles back at you but he stills seems down.
"Why do you ask? Did someone say something because if they did-"
"No no one said anything at least not now." Kili smiles at how protective you got of him when he was upset and how you would hurt anyone who dared hurt him.
"Kili I know some of the company used to tease you and maybe they still do but just know even if you were the ugliest dwarf out there, that wouldn't change how I feel about you. I still love you no matter what. Your looks are just a bonus to your personality which is what made me fall in love with you in the first place." You cup his face and rub your thumb on his cheek.
Kili smiles back at you and closes the space between your faces and kisses you softly. You kiss back and wrap your arms around his neck as he wraps his around your waist. You break apart,
"I love you so much Y/N and I couldn't be luckier to have you as my future wife."
"I love you too Kili and for a future husband your pretty good too."
You two smiled at each other and just laid in bed all day just enjoying each other's company. Man did you love this dwarf.

Sorry this is so short but I thought it was cute. Hope you liked it!

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