Imagine: Your wedding to Kili

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Today was the big day. This was going to be the happiest day of your life, but for some reason you were the most nervous you've ever been in your life. And that's saying something considering you've survived Smaug. It has been almost a year since you and the company reclaimed Erebor. Luckily everyone made it out ok. You and Kili confessed your feelings for each other in Laketown, and since then its been great. You were getting married to Kili today. Of course I'm happy I'm just very nervous. I feel a hand on my shoulder breaking me out of my nervous trance,
"Y/N its going to be great." I hear Dis, Kili's mother say behind me as she fixes my veil.
"Your going to be fine Y/N, I know you will." Bilbo says behind me. Bilbo was going to walk me down the isle. You were Bilbo's little sister. Your parents both died some time ago so he was the only family you had.
You smiled back at him"Thanks Bilbo." You hugged him.
"I think its time my dear" Dis says as you break away from Bilbo.
"Ok, lets get married!" I say as Bilbo links armed with me. Dis opens the doors and I hear music start playing. My breath hitches as I see Kili standing down the aisle watching me make my way up there. I can see his eyes already glossy with tears waiting to fall down his cheeks.  You smile at him while you can see your own vision become watery as a tear falls down your cheek. You look at everyone in the seats standing as you can see friends. You see Legolas and Tauriel smile at you, you see Gandalf smiling sincerely at you, It's kind of hard to miss him. And at the front were all the dwarves except Fili, Thorin, and Dwalin, as they were Kili's best men. You see your maid of honor, Fili's wife. You finally reach the end of the aisle and Bilbo kisses you on the cheek before leaving your side. Balin smiles at you, hes officiating the ceremony.
"Wow already with the tears" he jokes as you and Kili laugh and wipe your eyes.
Balin starts saying the vows but you almost drown him out because you and Kili are staring at eachother with such loving gazes you almost miss it when Balin asks Kili for his vows.
"Oh right, Y/N, I love you so much. And I cant believe that I am lucky enough to be standing here today and to be the dwarf you marry. I will never leave you, I will always be here for you, and I will never stop loving you till the last breath leaves my body. You are my dream come true Amralime" Kili finishes wiping another tear from his eye before it falls.
You take a breath and start with your vows, "Kili, I know you think your the lucky one but I cannot believe that I get to marry you, the dwarf prince. You have made my life a fairytale. I am the happiest hobbit alive when I'm with you." You finish with tears streaming down your cheeks.
"Now for the big part, Kili do you take Y/N to be your wife?" Balin asks.
"I do" Kili says with that big adorable smile on.
"Y/N do you take Kili to be your husband?"
"I do" You say smiling.
"You may now kiss the bride" Balin finishes with a smile.
Kili smiles before dipping you and placing his lips on yours. You kiss back as your arms find their way around his neck. He brings you back up and you break apart and laugh. You hear cheers as everyone starts clapping. You look at Bilbo and see him crying tears of joy at seeing his baby sister all grown up and happy.  Kili takes your hand in his and you two start walking down the aisle before he picks you in his arms and you run out the building laughing the whole time.

Sorry this is a little short but I hoped you liked it!

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