VIII ~ Lewis and Clark

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Sorry for the long wait. But as I promised here is chapter 8. I'm also sorry it isn't the longest chapter. I'm going on a trip for a while and wanted to make sure I had enough chapters to last a while. Love you all! ***10 VOTES FOR NEXT CHAPTER***

Chapter 8

          The Doctor went on one of his rambling sprees, explaining to Lewis how we got here. (Not the real way obviously.)  I myself looked among the crowd of people. Most were Slaves. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I spun around to see the face of the native American girl.

          “Hello,” The girl said looking at me with her big brown eyes, “ My name is Sacagawea, who are you.” Her English wasn’t the best, but I could understand her close enough.

          “My name is Jane. I told her. “Who have we got here!?” I said in my baby voice extending a hand towards the baby’s and holding it.

          “This is Jean Baptiste.” She said removing the baby from the sling and handing him to me.

          I held the baby and smiled at him. I wanted a baby of my own. But I couldn’t see the Doctor ever going for it. There was a sudden gun shot noise. Everyone looked up.

          “We better get going, There has been rumor of British soldiers giving Native Americans weapons.” Said Clark. Sacagawea quickly grabbed Jean from my arms, Every one started heading into wagons and getting on the backs of animals.

          “Are you coming, Beautiful?” Asked Lewis picking up my hand.

          “Sure. But only if my boyfriend can come.” I said looking over at the doctor who was dumbfounded.

          “Umm. Sure. Just tell him not to get in the way.” He said as he got on the back of his horse. I walked over to the doctor chokingly.

          “Got us a ride!” I said to him giggling. The Doctor let out a deep breath and stumbled into one of the wagons. I started to follow him.

          “Wait there little lady!” I heard Lewis’ voice behind me. I turned to face him. , “You’ll get a much better view from up here.” He says. I think a little.

          “Ok.” I say grabbing his hand and lifting on the horse.

          “Hijah!” He screams signaling his horse to run, The troop follows behind. The view of the trees is breath taking. It makes me realize just have humans have done to this beautiful planet.

          My hair flows behind me as I clench on  to Lewis’ waist. Sure, I’ve ridden horses before but I have never gone this fast. I look behind me and see how far away the rest of them are. That’s when I realized he was showing off. I let go of him and let my hands go out to the sides. I lean back and it feels like I am flying through the fresh air.

          That’s when my ringtone suddenly goes off.

          “I’m hot. You’re cold. You go around like you know, who I am, but you don’t, you’ve got me on my toes!”

          Yes, my ringtone is Jonas Brothers. Don’t hate. You’ve gatta remember that you loose track of time in the Tardis. On one of the trips I went on with the doctor I discovered it. I don’t even know what year its from my self. Anyways.

          Lewis stops the horse so suddenly that it almost throws us off it.

          “What is that!” He screams drawing his gun, trying to determine where its coming from. I quickly shove my hand in my pocket and ignore the call.

          “Whats what?” I say acting confused

          “That noise, Right in my ear, like…music of a sort.”

          “I haven’t the faintest idea what you are talking about.” I say looking back. Clark caught up to us on his own horse.

          “Whats a matter Lewis? Scared of a snake?” He says as he quickly commands his horse to run in front of ours.

          I’ve got to start remembering to put my phone on vibrate.  

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