Chapter 11

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Everything was so hectic there where girls everywhere! I sat there signing a lot of stuff.

I didn't realize this many people knew who I was...

Everyone from school knows, school. It's starting in less than and month and they are leaving to finish the rest of magcon!

I kept signing some things.

"Hayden?" A woman asked me, wait that's my step mom Diana.

"Um hi...what would you like me to sign" I smiled being friendly

She handed me a picture of me and Cameron, the day at the beach. "Look, your father feels aweful and me being your step mom I need to take action, why don't you come over for dinner tonight?"

"No" I stared at her. Who does she think she is? "Your not my mom now go away you and your daughter took away my dad, he wouldn't be like that if you didn't marry him" I felt tears in my eyes. Don't freaking cry Hayden.

She moved on because she was backing up the line. I was starting off into space.

BANG! I get whacked in the face. There's whipped cream all over me! I wipe it of my face.

I see Cam standing there with a pie pan with a little whipped cream and his phone, great he's recording it.

"Your so dead!" I scowl! I lunge at him, but Nash grabs me. "Nash let go!" I giggle.

"Nah, here go get cleaned up" he hands me a towel and I make my way towards the bathroom. I get all washed up.

I open the door and I hear an "ouch". Oh man I hit someone with the door!

It was Madison Beer.

I have heard many rumors about her. "Sorry" I mumble.

"Hey! Wait! Your that Hayden girl! I'm Madison."

Wow I'm seriously running into everyone.

"Yeah, look I kinda need to get back to where I'm going"

"Oh to go see Cam right? He's no good, he will break you heart and use you." She sneered

"Yeah to go see Cam, at least he still wants to see me." I snarled and stalked off.

I went home. My mom and my sister where sitting in the couch.

"Hayden couch now." Demanded my mom. I Made my way over to the couch. I wonder what this is all about.

She explained to me how we are going to have to make some changes with me becoming 'famous'.

I have to change my number and we are moving to a different house here in LA so the reporters don't show up. I'm still going to my school, oh she also mentioned me to start making vines and youtube videos. I think this is to much to handle.

"Wow mom, your actually supporting me and not mad?" I questioned.

"Of course not, I'm your mother. I'm really happy for you and I hope Cam treats you well. You are also getting a manager. "

"We aren't dating " I stated. She said something but I drowned her out.

I go upstairs and open up my vine app. My notifications are crazy!

Cameron posted the pie thing. So I decided to make a vine.

I clicked the screen. "Hey guys in gonna start making vines!" I still had about 3 Seconds left. I ran and got and egg. I videoed me smashing it over my head.

I posted it.

I washed the egg out of my hair.

My thoughts went back to what my mom said.

A manager? I don't do anything but stand there next to Cam and Nash, mostly Cam but still.

And we have to move! This is just wow. My mom's kind of going overboard. I know its been about a month and a half but I feel so over whelmed.


"Nash she hates me!" I whined. I really like this girl and I blew the whole thing.

"Dude shes giving you another chance so don't screw this up!" he warned.

We are sitting on our couch creating a YouTube sketch and Nash wants Hayden to be in it. Nash and Hayden have gotten really close, but I know Nash won't do anything stupid.

"Hey guys we have a Lia Johnson here to see you?" the door man told us through our intercom.

She probably wants to talk to us on how to get Jc to like her. "Send her up" I say and let go of the button.

We wait for her to arrive but when the elevator dings Madison Beer gets out. "Hi guys" she smiles.

"Out now your not Lia you liar. " I tell her. Madison and I have a past, we dated right when I started getting famous but I broke up with her when she used me for fame and tried cheating on me with Carter. There's more but that doesn't matter right now.

"I want to talk to you about Hayden." She says sharply and I glare at her "Now, do you like her?"

"Yeah I kinda admitted my feelings for her all over T.V." I said in a duh tone. I would hit her if she wasn't a girl.

"Ok good, I still didn't want you to have feelings for me and ruin everything I'm kinda here to say sorry. She seems like a nice girl."

Ok she's up too something. "What?" she saying sorry was a shock she never says sorry. She's planning something...maybe?

"Yeah, I feel awful, could we just be friends?"

After everything she's done to me? I mean we did have fun together and made lots of memories. There are more good things than bad so why not? I guess she's trying to change.

"Sure" I say and she gets all happy. But Nash pushes her in the elevator and starts yelling at me, it was something along the lines of "Dude you can't trust her. Why did you do that you retard? Your ruining your chances." But I tuned him out.

We leave for magcon soon. Like in 2 days soon, I love meeting everyone but it's so tiring that's why they gave us a break. Maybe I could invite Hayden to come with me. I know she sees me as a friend and probably still hates me but today at the meet up went well.

I want to meet her parents well her mom. I meant her before but it was at the mall and she didn't know I like her daughter and she was trying to get me to sign stuff for her sister.

I have never felt this way about a girl except for...

I really hate this chapter.

ok some of you may like Madison or may not, im not putting her as this charater to insult her i needed a charater and she was a great person for the charater so please dont get offended

cliff hanger!

dont worry it will all work out, or will it?

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