Chapter 5

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The interview is now starting. Yay! (Note sarcasm)

"We are live with Cameron and Nash starting our series of interviews with them, now just a few hours ago Cameron you were reported that you were with a girl and there are some pictures but we aren't allowed to show them because we don't have permission from the girl" the lady said

Oh how nice Cameron! You say your embarrassed to be seen with me so you go hang out with another girl wonderful!

"So how did you and this girl meet?" she ask Cameron and he replied "Well she accidently facetimed me" holy shirt he's talking about me!

"So is she a fan?, there are pics of her talking to you at a magcon event?" the lady asked

"Ha no! she not a fan she doesn't like any of us but she was warming up to me, and the reason why she was there was she took her little sister there" I feel like I'm gonna be sick.

"Oh so how do you feel about this girl?"

He scratched his neck "Well I'm not sure I feel something but I'm not sure what it is" what the actually duck.

The lady went through some twitter questions about me. "@eliza89 says Is she hot?" the lady told Cameron and he answered yes! Wow she ask him another "@cameronluv67 says I bet shes ugly and secretly a fan to get his attention" and there where a few others like that.

Ok now im mad "NO IM NOT!" I yelled at the tv and Ashley looked at me "uhh I mean I BET SHES NOT!"

Cameron responded to that " I know for a fact she's not a fan when I'm around her she tries to get rid of me" the lady asked Nash some questions about me and her told her the ice cream story. This whole interview is about me

"So Cameron how are you and this girl now?"

He looked like he was thinking hard "I screwed up, I said some pretty mean things to her and I made her cry. I feel so bad so I don't know what we are"

The lady asked some more questions about what happened and luckily he didn't give two much away. "So if she's watching this what would you say to her?"

He cleared his throat "She's probably not but I would say this...I'm sorry for being so rude to you I actually thought I could have a normal person to hang around like how we did at the dock, I was a jerk and I get nervous around pretty girls I'm sorry"

She said some other stuff closing the interview. I turned to Ashley "Whoever this girl is when I see her I'm going to kidnap her so I can have a chance with Cameron, but that was really sweet of him admitting that on live TV for everyone to see"

I laughed at her "Ash you're not going to have a chance and it was nice and took some balls"

After a few minutes of thinking I texted him "I forgive you." I have only know him for a few weeks so why not give him a second chance.

"You saw that?!" he replied

"Yeah my sister begged me to watch it, but please don't give out my identity"

I really don't want this getting out, yes I like attention from people I know I mean I was the class clown but not from a bunch of psycho fangirls.

I scrolled threw some of the twitter feed mostly everyone was talking about me. My phone was ringing from Cameron calling me

"Yeah?" I answered

"My manger wants to meet with you" what this is getting out of hand.

"I don't think I should."

"Hayden please he will help this situation we are in." I know it will help but I don't think so.

"No" and I hung up.

Stupid fan girl's stupid interviews stupid Cameron stupid Nash stupid facetime! Ugh everything is so stupid! Even me I was the one who dialed the wrong number!

"AHHHHHHHH HAYDEN HAYDEN!" my sister screamed and she kept screaming.

I walked up to her room. "What?" I asked

"Cameron just dmed me asking for our address!"

I frowned "did you give it to him?"

"Yeah but then after that he said sorry wrong person" I felt a little relief. Ii went back down stairs to see what my mom was doing but she wasn't home.

I sat and watched some TV for a little bit till I fell asleep.


The next day I decided to go out for a run, I never run but I'm feeling it today. I'll run to the ice cream shop and get some ice cream. I got dressed in my athletic shorts and a mint green tank top.

I headed out my door for the ice cream. I ran the few blocks it is. I was right outside the ice cream shop to see a bunch of paparazzi. Crap. I causally walking into the ice cream shop through the mob of paparazzi.

I walked in the store and is was very busy. I ordered my ice cream and sat at a booth eating it away...or licking it away, After I got done I ran back home. I got in my door and was getting ready to take off my tennis shoes when there was a knock at the door.

I get up and answer it and no one's there...huh. All of the sudden someone put duct tape over my mouth and someone puts my hands behind my back and is leading me to this car. Let put me in the car and get in the driver's side.

"what the hell?" I yelled ripping the duct tape off my mouth

"Listen I got sent to do the dirty work."

I turned to get a good look at him "Matthew?"


How are you liking the book so far?

you guys may think im rushing it but trust me im taking it slow.

Omg I just got done writing chapter 8 there is a huge twist

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