Chapter 9

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I went home after that...UHHH that little thingy.

I went up to my room and messed around on Twitter this is gonna be fun.

I tweeted "Somebody's a good kisser" and I got a few replies from these people that actually still liked me. I followed a few. They freaked out. It was so cute. I'm gonna DM one.

"Hey girl" I Dmed @MacyMay67

"OMG HAYDJDIED HAYDEN TOU SKDJ" I laughed at her reaction.

"What are you doing?"


"Me too..." I really can't believe he did that. It's unlike him.

"What happened...if I may ask to clarify rumors?"

I don't know if I should tell her...I mean what it could hurt.

"Um I'll wait when things settle down :)" I replied and logged out. Going to sleep

The next morning I felt aweful.

Wow I just need to talk to someone...I haven't done this for years. I went to go visit my dad.

My mom and dad are divorced. But I'm not allowed to see my dad because he was accused of rape even though it's not true. His ex wife, his other wife that he had before I was born made it up. (Not my mom) because she got jealous that he had a happy family.

It caused a lot of commotion in my family even a divorce. The judge said that my sister and I weren't allowed to see my dad anymore and he got put in jail. But when my grandma passed away the money she had went to my dad and he used it to bail him out.

It's been 7 years since I have seen him when I was 10. My mom still has his last name.

"Mom, I'm gonna go visit dad" and I left before she could protest.

He lives in Arizona. I drove 5 hours there jamming out to some ACDC and Niki.

I arrive and this condo! What! He lives In a condo! I look back at the address my mom texted me. She actually happy I'm doing this.

I get on the elevator and make my way up to the 15th floor.

5-a I walk around the hallways for the suite 5-a. I get a text from Matt.

"Hey...wanna hang?" Dang I wish I could.

"I can't I'm visiting someone, maybe tomorrow I'll get back late tonight"

I scan the hallways some more and I see it 5-a

I take a deep breath. What is Going to happen. Whew. I knock on the door.

A man opens the door and I know it's my dad he looks a lot like me.

"T-Tim Miller?" I stutter.

"This is him, do you want to sell Girl Scout cookies or something, my wife is in there waiting for me to serve dinner"

Wife? I feel sick.

"Dad, it's me Hayden" I start to tear up, he didn't even recognize me.

He made a little sound then hugged me. "You've grown up"

"And you got married" I mumbled so he couldn't hear me.

He brought me inside. Then I see her. Tall, long black hair. I don't like her.

He introduced me and when she held out her hand I just stared at it.

Wow maybe I shouldn't of came here. We all sat at the dinner table eating together getting caught up on old times and I tried so hard not to cry.

"Dad, do you know a Cameron Dallas?" I asked. And Diana, the evil son of a itch chocked on her food.

"Our 14 year old daughter Macy is obsessed with him" A DAUGHTER!

"D-daughter?" I squeaked. What the hell?

She went to go get her. I have a freaking half sister. What the actually duck! He couldn't of called us and informed us.

"Hey" she stated. She looked like a younger me. I gulped. "Holy! You're Hayden!" Great she knows who I am.

I explained to my dad everything. Wanna know what he said. "I don't care."

I started crying. I came here for help he's changed "Your Stupid!" I screamed. "What has happened to you? You have changed, I'm not even supposed to be here I could get in so much trouble for this and you're no help at all! Then I found out I have a half-sister and a freakin step mom! WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED?" I cried.

"Hayden, the lies everything! And what has happened to you? You couldn't have taken a risk like this before? And when you do I find out my daughter is a superstar. "that hit me like a truck.

I cried even more. I grabbed the flowers from the center piece of the table and threw them. "Now tell me how I fix this! And be you! not some stupid fake dad! And I never took the chance because I was scared and I need you right now. Please."

He hugged me with his face lighting up.. "I'm sorry I have another family to worry about." He whispered in my ear. I pushed him off of me.

"I hate you! I never want to see your face again! You don't even care! I wish your old ex-wife was dead and you are still my dad because right now you're not. I never should have're the worst thing that has happened to me." I yelled wiping off my tears running out the door.

I heard his wife yelling at him. Once I got to the evlatoe I started crying. The mascara down my face. I look like a mess. I got to my car and screamed.

I called my mom texted her I would be home soon and I would tell her how it went once I got home.

I drove home crying. Once I got home I ran and hugged my mom.

I have stopped crying by now. I told her everything. We where all in tears. She said its going to be fine.

I went up to my room. I can't believe him. He used to love me and be the best dad.

I decided to Dm that one girl and give her the real story. I don't care what happens.

I go to open her chat and she's Dmed me. "Hayden, I'm sorry for my dads...or should I say our dads behavior he feels really bad"

Not in a million years chicks that is her.

"It's fine I'm never gonna talk to him again I hope he treats you well. But let's leave that in the past and act like its never happened please"

She agreed. Wow a lot has happened and it's only 7:30 pm.

I turned on StarStruck. To see if Cam was actually going to admit it and he did.

"Guys I lied. Hayden's not a fan she didn't use me and she didn't kiss Jack. I thought she did but then Jack admitted that she didn't. I still have feelings for her. I care about her a lot, I'm really happy I meant her. And I'm the biggest prick. I lied and feel aweful. Hayden will you forgive me?"

Wow that hit me like a brick he actually did it. I decided to get my mind off of it. I text matt to come over. Once he gets here we go up to my room.

"So um about the kiss...uhh I told Cameron and he uh freaked out." He told me. Cameron has no right to freak out, actually he kinda dose sense he still likes me.

It doesn't matter" I told him. I gave him a quick hug.

"Hayden I know it's only been a few days but...will you be my girlfriend?" Cameron asked me, wait no Matt...why did I think it was Cameron.


Another cliff hanger!

Omg I'm already at chapter nine.

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