Familiars: The Origin.

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Familiars. A gift from the gods themselves. They were said to be a peace treaty from the gods so the mortals didn't march right up into the sky and yell at the gods for their poor work. These familiars can range from a small spider to a 500-foot dragon. These familiars came to aid people in the time of ancient wars, the most common familiar back then was a dragon.

Head-strong, powerful creatures deemed the 'Best gift from God'. Familiars were gifted in ancient times to help the humans on their journey around the world, most turned out to be dragons & wolves. Most powerful familiars have only been seen in ancient times, and it's a very low chance. One in every 633,333,333 people has a dragon familiar nowadays.

The record of these dragons that were so common hundreds and thousands of years ago have around a 12 creature population in the world. So, it's extremely, extremely rare to see one. It's mostly a once in a lifetime experience. They say, whoever has these familiars are powerful people and they come from a pure bloodline. People who strive to be heroes with their familiar go to U.A. college, the best school in Musutafu.

They also train their familiars here, and people without them are rare cases, but they can still make it in there on an entrance test. At U.A. they train you and your familiar, shaping young teens into future heroes. Training your body is something that goes untouched by most, and they only train their familiar.

At U.A. they train both since both the body and the familiar trained are a vital need in a hero. At a certain point in the bond with a familiar, they will unlock the ability to turn into a human. Familiar's and their pairs need to have a strong bond in order to unlock this. U.A. also specializes in helping to draw out pairs - familiar and their human - strength, and strive for a better future.

Familiar Tattoos: Familiar tattoos can come in all shapes and sizes, from a small little circle on your pinky to a full back tattoo filled with roses. These Tattoos are engraved on your skin at age 3-5, the normal age around 5-years-old. These tattoos don't make your familiar any stronger or weaker, most of the time people have small tattoos, no matter the familiar. Lots of times they can signify what familiar has bonded with you.

Once your familiar has come, they can hide in the tattoo. Lots of times people do this when leaving the house, or going on planes. In the tattoo's, there is a small mind-scape. A safe-haven for your familiar, if you may call it that. These scapes vary from each familiar, no mind-scape is the same. From a small, muggy alley-way to a giant, marble, and stone palace. Their bodies go here to heal. These mind-scapes have healing properties and heal injuries after familiars retreat into the tattoo.

Familiar behavior: Familiars have their own personalities, some feeding off their pair's angry personality, or if their human is short-tempered, at times their familiar can be timid. Familiar's feed off their pair's emotions, and can grow overly protective or aggressive in some cases.

'Example: If there was a robber in a store, taking everyone hostage and someone's familiar is a guard dog, that dog will protect everyone in the store, along with their owner. It's a familiar's sworn duty to keep their pair safe since if their human dies, they die with them. Familiars can also be trained to become overly aggressive or protective on command, this usually taking patience, hard work, and time.'

Familiars can think for themselves and often have to when their pair is in an overly emotional state, often having to drag their pair out of said place. Some can be quite stubborn without proper training, or just overall, stubborn. Others are quite intelligent, often cat familiars will tap or purr the melody of their pairs' favorite song, or their own favorite song. Familiars, when their pair is in danger, will get over aggressive and protect their pair with their life.

Familiarless: People born without a Familiar tattoo aren't uncommon, and are seen quite often. It's the canon equivalent of being quirkless, but more common in the new generations. Being unbonded with a familiar is around 73.2% of the population so it's rarer to have a familiar nowadays.

Around 26.8% of the population is bonded with familiars, each generation the numbers go down slowly. These people live their days like normal, and not having to worry about either an extra mouth to feed or training sometimes stubborn familiars. These people are legit...normal. Since quirks don't exist for familiarless people, they are just normal people with no tattoos.

Other times, familiarless people are either stripped of their familiar when they've abused, neglected, or tried to kill their familiar, and the familiar breaks the bond with their pair or their familiar has died. Familiars can die in certain circumstances, like their pairs' tattoo is damaged and unable to heal an injured/dying familiar, and they die.

Or familiars can get diseases, although not seen so often, and are quite rare, these familiars are still animals and can get sick.

Familiar training: Training familiars to obey you takes an iron resolve and patience. Most of the time when you struggle to have patience with your familiar, it will ignore you and disregard everything you say. Forcing a familiar into submission with threats works for most villains, or people wanting a well-trained familiar.

Other times when training your familiar, you'll need a strong bond. Familiars may be independent, but they still need people - or their pair - to lean on. So when training a familiar, having a strong bond with them is a much-needed thing.

Without a strong bond, familiars can get aggressive and form trust issues - they can be resolved over time, but it's harder with more stubborn ones - and become handfuls. In the first few years of having a familiar, you'll always want to strengthen the bond and get to know them.

Bloodlines: Bloodlines are a very important thing with familiars, more or less. The higher up your bloodline the more powerful your familiar is. Although, there have been rare cases of people with a low-class bloodline having powerful familiars, although it's quite rare.

Descendants of high-class bloodlines from ancient times are more prone to rarer familiars. Having an ancient bloodline also means you are more respected, and higher up in the world. Like Endeavour. Although not as high-class as he wants, his children were born to heighten his place in this world.

Familiar bonds/contracts: Familiar contacts are forged when a child is born, and when the gods of familiars pick out a familiar for that child. Although familiars can break these contracts and forge their own, it's not as heard of nowadays in the familiar realm. These contracts bond you a familiar of the god's choice, deeming a child who would do great things a powerful familiar.

At times, these gods make terrible choices and leave a powerful familiar in the hands of an evil-doer. Or the power of the familiar goes to their head, and think they rule. These contracts after some time can be broken, by familiar or pair. It's a long process, breaking a bond. In that time, the paired person of the familiar may wish to go back and try to work things out with the familiar and vice versa.

Familiar powers: Familiars are basically the equivalent of the official quirked animals in this realm. Like take Kirishima, since he is a familiar of Denki Kaminari, he can harden his fur into rock and burst through walls, or keep people safe with that. Or Uraraka, who is also a Familiar. She can touch things with her paw pads and make them float. They all have special attributes, and some need to be unlocked while others show quickly.

They all have a base power that shows quickly in the first few years. Another power of certain familiars is they can turn into a human. After a certain point in a quite strong bond, they have the power to morph into a human. Usually, this takes years of strengthening a bond to even get to this point. Most people don't unlock this for many, many years. For this to happen, a familiar must trust their pair enough to show their human form. Many times, people like to exploit their Familiar's human form, often using them to birth stronger children. (Like a quirk marriage)

Familiars can also share their powers, a unique power with their pair. Sharing their power with their pair will give them their own quirk. Their pair doesn't have their quirk 24/7, only when their familiar is sharing their power.

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