Big Reunion

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guyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Sorry for the long reply but every upload after this will be Tempted; theres only going to be like two chapters left after this one; this one is very long 22 pages on word hope it clears up some things! 


Biscuit xxx


Big Reunion.

[Max’s POV]

Since the party was tomorrow night, I thought it made sense if I’d try and finish the last three computers, so I wouldn’t need to come back here and move on with my life.


“Yes!” beads of sweat were starting to form there; I grinned as the laptop whirred to life as I began to install the anti-virus software on it a loud thunder clap almost knocked my heart out of my chest. I swivelled around on my chair.

I couldn’t believe it.


And not just light rain it was heavy fall.


I tried to think about the last time I was really out in the rain.

Then it dawned on me.

The day I met Chris.


[Rachel’s POV]

“Baby you’re home!” I sprung up from the bed and sat up.

“Yeah” he groaned taking off his soaked jacket. His hair was plastered to his face as well as his clothes.

“I just don’t understand; How the hell is it raining?”

“Don’t you watch the weather forecast?” I questioned “Ever?”

“Why would I?” he muttered as he ripped off his tie “It’s always hot”

I giggled “Not anymore; it’s going to be like this for the next three days”

“Three days what the hell?” he sighed picking up a towel, rubbing his head. “How was your day?”

“It was okay” I shrugged smiling “Max has been on a role”

I felt my eye twitch; I still hadn’t confronted him about the pictures my guy took of him and Chris at the park.

Tempted [Sequel to HNT]Where stories live. Discover now