Chapter 14: A Surprise (Zaheer Arc)

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(Y/N) wakes up and saw that his wife, Korra, wasn't next to him. Panicking, (Y/N) got up and started to look around. When he enters the lounge, everything was pitch black.

(Y/N): Hello?!

Just then the lights came on and (Y/N) saw Tenzin and his family, Katara, Lin, Mako, Zuko and his son Iroh, Nathan, Kyle, Asami, Bolin, Tonraq, Senna, Unalaq all in a group with Korra standing in front of the group.


(Y/N): What?

Korra: It's your birthday, honey.

(Y/N): After the whole thing with Amon and Jason, I must've forgotten.

Everyone laughs at this and begins to play games, drink, eat and have conversations. But then (Y/N) noticed that Zuko, Lin, Unalaq, Tenzin, Tonraq and Katara were talking outside and so he decided to eavesdrop.

Zuko: We have to tell him. If we don't, then he will.

Lin: (Y/N) isn't ready for the truth.

Katara: While I agree with you Lin, Zuko has a point. If we don't tell him the truth, he may never trust us again.

Tenzin: But now Zaheer has escaped and can Bend Air, how can we tell this to (Y/N) that the one that wants him dead is--

Everyone stops and they look at the doorway and saw (Y/N).

(Y/N): What truth am I not ready for? Who is Zaheer? And when were you all going to tell me that there are now Airbenders?

Tonraq: (Y/N). You heard all of that?

(Y/N): Yes.

Unalaq: You may want to sit down.

(Y/N) uses his Earthbending to make a chair while everyone else sat on normal chairs.

Tenzin: We we're going to tell you that there are now Airbenders, tommorow.

(Y/N): Okay, and this Zaheer guy?

Katara: Well, that is the part you are not ready for according to Lin.

Lin: He isn't.

(Y/N): When will I be ready?

Zuko: When we call for you. Now, go enjoy the party.

(Y/N) sighs and walks back inside while the adults watch.

Lin: Too much pressure has been put on that boy. He shouldn't have to go through this.

Zuko: It doesn't matter now.

The adults walk back in and starts to join in on the games and food.

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