Chapter 11: The Dark Avatar (Jason Arc)

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(Y/N) and his army fought Jason's army with such ferocity. The only thing that was going through (Y/N)'s mind was Korra. His thoughts were ripped from his mind when a rock flies past him, only for (Y/N) to uses his Airbending against Jenna who threw the rock with Earthbending. He walks over to Jenna who was getting up.

Jenna: You think you'll defeat us? Jason will have your head on a pike!

(Y/N) then stabs Jenna through the stomach making her scream in pain, then he takes her head off and puts it on a broken spear and sticks it in the ground. Before anyone could enter the spirit world, Jason comes out with glowing red eyes.

(Y/N): Jason, what did you do?

Jason: What I was meant to do. I have become the Dark Avatar. Now, (Y/N), I challenge you to a one-on-one fight to the death. In the middle of Republic City. Do you accept?

(Y/N)'s army and what was left of Jason's army looks at (Y/N) waiting on a decision.

(Y/N): There can be only one Avatar. I accept. When is the fight?

Jason: 5 hours.

(Y/N): I'll be there.

Everyone then leaves and (Y/N)'s army went back to the Southern Water Tribe where everyone else was waiting for them.

Korra: What happened? Did you win?

(Y/N): I'm going to fight Jason in the middle of Republic City in five hours.

Korra: What?

Korra had the look of devastation on her face, while Nathan then helps (Y/N) get ready for battle. Everyone then starts to travel to Republic City, to end this war.

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