Chapter 6: Reunion (Jason Arc)

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Dedicated to: CaesarTLK

(Y/N), Korra, Nathan, Kyle, Asami, Mako and Bolin are going to the Southern Water Tribe, but before they arrive at the Village everyone got hungry so (Y/N) decided to go hunt some food. When (Y/N) found a wild Cat-Deer he drew his sword and slowly approached the animal, being careful not to spook it, only for a sword to clash with his.

(Y/N) had looked the source of the 'no' and saw a woman who was watching the whole fight.

(Y/N) had looked the source of the 'no' and saw a woman who was watching the whole fight

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(Y/N) stood down and then he got recognized his attacker.

(Y/N): Jason (L/N)?

Jason: Yes, and who are you?

Korra: (Y/N)!!

Korra and the others arrive to see the sight. Jason looks at (Y/N)'s sword and then back up at (Y/N) shocked.

Jason: (Y/N) (L/N)?

(Y/N): What are you doing here?

Jason: Better question is, what are you doing here, little brother?

(Y/N): Visiting my girlfriend's parents.

Jason: Oh my little brother has a girlfriend. She treating you well?

(Y/N): It's more like the other way around. But she is a tad protective.

Korra: It's my job to be.

Nathan: She's got you there, mate.

(Y/N): Yeah, good point.

Korra: So this is you're brother?

(Y/N): Yeah, last time we saw each other, we weren't on the greatest of terms.

Jason: And I'm sorry for being selfish. I should never have been such an irresponsible brother.

Korra: Well, how about we all go back to the tribe and then talk about this whole '(L/N) brother' thing.

Jason gives (Y/N) his sword back and picks his own off the ground he whole group then walks to Korra's home and ate some dinner, but everyone could feel the intensness between (Y/N) and Jason. But no one said anything and ate in silence. Korra's parents walk in with smiles on their faces.

Tonraq: It's so nice to see you again, (Y/N).

(Y/N): It's nice to see you too, Cheif Tonraq.

The two shake hands and then Tonraq laughs and pulls (Y/N) in for a hug.

Tonraq: It's great to see my daughter and my future son-in-law.

Senna: It's felt like it's been there years.

Korra: Mom, it was only 3 weeks at most.

Tonraq: Now how are your friends?

Korra: This is Nathan, Kyle, Asami, Mako and Bolin.

Senna: And those two?

Jason: My name is Jason (L/N), older brother to (Y/N). This is my girlfriend Jenna.

Jenna: Hi.

Tonraq: It's nice to meet both of you. Make yourselves at home.

Jason: Thank you, well, me and Jenna should get some sleep. Goodnight, Korra, friends. Avatar.

Jenna and Jason leaves with a smirk on their faces and everyone didn't like the look of it. (Y/N) looked at Korra and she had this look on her that told him, that she was going to be even more protective of him.

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