Special Chapter: Meet the Family

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Beam Baramee Vongviphan is the third child of Thanit and Malinka Vongviphan. He has an older brother Bond and older sister Bua. As the youngest child from a rich family, he got spoiled since birth. The age difference between him and his older siblings are quite far. Bond is 8 years older, while Bua is 6 years older. So, when Beam was born, his whole family were so happy and treated him like an adorable doll, especially since he was so cute and handsome. What Beam wants, Beam gets. He became a bit wild during his teenage year.

His family is a bit worry with his life style as a playboy during high school, but because Beam was always careful and his grades are good, there was nothing they can do.

When Beam announced that he wants to join Phana and Kit in the Medical Faculty, they just nod in defeat, thinking that Beam might drop out within a year. Not because he doesn't have brain, but because he didn't seem interested to have a profession as a doctor. It took a lot of work and willpower to be a doctor. They never had any high expectation for their youngest boy. As long as he doesn't do drugs or impregnated someone's daughter, that's enough for them.

After almost 2 years, Beam is still holding on and getting more and more serious. Nowadays, they didn't hear any more about Beam's adventure with girls. Beam seemed so calm and mature. His studies are top notch, he managed to get the best score in his class for 2 terms in a row. It was not an easy task, considering he was in the same class as Phana, their year's genius. Now, they started to think that maybe they will have a doctor in the family anyway.

He became the talk of the family. His parents are confused, but happy. His brother didn't think much, he was already busy with work and his own upcoming wedding.

It was Bua who was so worry about their brother.

"Do you guys think something's wrong with Beam?" asked Bua during their family brunch on Sunday. Since Beam in college, he rarely joins their family Sunday brunch. But his parents don't mind. Because when Bond and Bua were in college, they also didn't have time to go home often. Now Bond works in his father's company and Bua had her own business, so they come often. Sometimes with their spouses.

"What is wrong with Beam?" Their mother frowns. "He was doing great."

"That's what I was talking about, Mae!"

Their parents look at each other and together they look at Bond who is busy shoving spicy pasta in his mouth.

Bond stopped chewing. "What?"

"Do you think Beam is sick?" whispered Bua. Her eyes are a bit misty. "He is sick and doesn't want to make us worry?"

"Aish Bua!" Malinka slaps her daughter hand. "Don't talk nonsense."

"But, maybe Bua was right, Mae," said Bond, back to his pasta. "Beam is sick, maybe cancer or something. He doesn't want us to be worry, so he stopped playing and acted mature."

"Bond!" Malinka smacked his son's head.

"Ouch Mae! Easy!"

Thanit and Malinka frowned.

For a moment, nobody talked. They eat slowly and think.

Suddenly, Bua slam her hand on the table. "I knew it!"

"What?" asked her parents and Bond at the same time.

"He is in love!"

They are quiet for a while.

"Nah," Bond is back on his food. "He's dying."

"Bond!" "Phi Bond!" Now his mother and sister shout together.

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