Chapter 4

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Wayo's POV

The next few days were filled with rehearsal after rehearsal, plus orientation activities. I got lucky to be free from some orientation activities because of the Moon and Star Program, but still I couldn't escape some of them. The orientation activities are not so bad, always full of laughter. So different with what Ming had in his campus. I heard that SOTUS is scary. Why Ming is always look so cheerful and fresh is still a mystery to me. I always got tired when I got home.

P'Beam kept his promise. He came to rehearsal whenever he had free time, always with P'Kit.

P'Kit bumped into me the other day when he came to my apartment building to meet P'Pha. He recognized me immediately. We exchanged number and I said casually that P'Beam also knew my number. He looked puzzled and seemed to remember something. I asked him not to tell P'Pha about me, and he looked more puzzled. I didn't think too much about it. When he came to the rehearsal, he asked me to come to him and P'Beam. We didn't have the chance to talk much because P'Pha came and accused me flirting with his friends.

I really didn't know what did I do to make him hates me so much. It seemed that he is getting upset only with a glimpsed of my face. Of course, I didn't want to show him that his behavior is affecting me. But it was getting on my nerves. And to be honest, makes me sad.

And I know for sure, P'Beam is also pissed off on my behalf. I saw they argued a moment ago, but I didn't come closer. I knew they argued about me because they keep on looking at me and that was embarrassing.

During lunch time, I was waiting for Ai Ming to bring me lunch. Today's lunch is courtesy of P'Pring, the previous Campus Star. She was a beautiful and nice girl. I never had a chance to talk to her, but her room is across mine so we met a couple of times and she always smiles at me when I wai-ed her.

I played with the carpet and didn't pay attention to my surrounding when suddenly a food box appears in front of me. I looked up to see P'Kit and P'Beam. P'Kit brought me the food and P'Beam gave me the pink milk. I saw a bit of sweat on P'Beam's forehead, he must have run to the nearest food stall to buy it for me.

"Oww... thank you P'Beam, P'Kit," I said and giving them wai.

"Don't mention it. Su su na," said P'Kit.

P'Beam squatted next to me. "You look great N'Yo." He smiled to me. I blushed and smiled at him shyly. From the corner of my eye I saw P'Kit rolled his eyes.

"Hey, guys."

P'Pha came. He had that strange and upset looks in his eyes. "The lunch break is short. Stop flirting and eat," said Pha with his cold voice.

P'Beam and P'Kit looked at each other and shrugged. They both ruffled my hair and leave. Pha also left without saying anything.

Ming came to me and sit next to me. "Meeeh! My best friend is the doctor magnet," he playfully shoves my shoulder.

I pout. "Shut up Ming."

After lunch break, we go back to rehearsal. We must memorize the dance movement for opening show and fortunately I get the hang of it quite easily. I never thought that I could enjoy dancing, maybe later I can find a dance class. I hate sport and working out, but dancing is fun. I joke around with Nate, Ming, and some other contestant. They laughed seeing my silly movements.


The next day, we are back to our practice. This time all the moons and stars are not here. As seniors, their classes start now. So, I didn't see P'Pha at all today and I feel relief. I don't have to put my guard all the time and can be myself for a while. We practice until very late. By the time we finished, it's already 8 p.m.

P'Lynn, the event coordinator, called us to gather for a while. She informed us that we need to prepare something for the talent show. I don't know what to do.

"Is sleeping can be counted as talent?" I asked Ming half joking half serious.

"Just show off your One Piece knowledge."

"Can I?" I asked happily. It was great. I can make PowerPoint presentation, I can show off my figurine and all my manga collection, I can...

Ming flicked my forehead. "Silly! I was kidding."

"Awww!" I rubbed my forehead. "What do you want to perform?"

"Of course, my muay thai skill," Ming said proudly.

"Yeah, you're good at that." I pout. Ming surely is good in everything. It's not fair.

"Yo, didn't you have piano lesson? I remembered uncle bragged about his little musician during our family outing to my parents," said Ming. "And I remember my mom got so jealous and tries to hire piano teacher for me too, but I hide when the teacher came," he added, laughed.

I brighten up, but pout again. "But it's been a long time I didn't practice. I need to warm up my fingers and practice the song at least twice or three times," I said gloomily. "Where can I find a piano? My house is three hours from here."

"Hmmm..." Ming was tapping on his chin, his habit when he thinks hard. His eyes are widened as if remembering something. "I know! I saw a grand piano in the backstage when we have rehearsal inside the auditorium. Maybe I can ask P'Forth about that." P'Forth is his senior in Engineering and has been helping Ming a lot during Moon and Star training. P'Forth is one of the seniors that really do his job properly, instead of just sit and doing nothing like P'Pha and the other moon. Even though he seems like a bad boy, he actually is very helpful and friendly.

I feel relief. "Thanks Ai Ming. I don't know what I'll do without you."

"You guys are still here?"

We turn around to see P'Beam walked towards us. He didn't stay long at the rehearsal today, only during lunch time. He told me last night during our video call that his classes have started. He said sorry because he will be busy in the day time, but he will try to come whenever he had free time. So, I feel surprised to see him right now. Alone.

We wai to him.

"It's late. Don't you guys have to come here again tomorrow morning?" asked P'Beam.

"We are going home now, Phi," said Ming. "I'm going to drop Yo first."

"I'll take you back to your apartment, N'Yo," said P'Beam.

"But, your apartment is not near mine, Phi," I really don't want to bother him.

"Don't worry Nong," he smiled. "You look very tired. They made you work hard, didn't they?" He touches my hair gently and tidy up my bang. There's something in his bright eyes that makes me can't say anything, just stare at him without blinking. He smirks and flicks my forehead. "Stop daydreaming, N'Yo. Ready to go?"

I feel my cheeks burn. "Phi!!" I whined.

P'Beam laughed merrily and grab my hand. Then he stopped, as if just remember something. "Ai Ming, drive safely."

Ming grins. "Remember me finally?" He teased.

"Ai Ming!" I move my foot to kick Ming's leg, but he moves aside, laughing.

P'Beam just shakes his head and chuckled seeing our antics. I wave to Ming and follow P'Beam to his car.


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