Special Chapter: Phana's Story

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High School Sweetheart

I saw him for the first time that day. I didn't know who he was, I just knew that he was my junior. He was playing with a kitten and talked to it with a soft and gentle voice. He looked so delicate, warm, and adorable. I was mesmerized. I watched him quietly from behind the wall, tried not to make any sound. His voice was so tender, his laughter is like music to my ear. I knew there and then, I had a crush on him.

My Nong Wayo.

Since that day, I dragged my two best friends to follow him everywhere. I watched him all the time; how he laughed with his friends, how kind he was towards others, how shy he was with people that he didn't know.

My best friends were curious. I know they had a feeling that I like that boy, but I always denied whenever they asked. I was afraid, if they know I was attracted to a boy, they will look down on me and leave me. I was not ready to admit it, especially that I know they were ladies' men. I didn't want them to judge me for liking a guy.

However, my fear didn't stop me from following Nong Wayo. I spied on him, searched for him if I didn't see him, tried to get a glance at him when he was around. But I never showed my feelings to anyone. I acted indifferent around him, borderline cold. Wayo always blushed whenever he saw me. I really wanted to approach him, but I was not ready to ruin my image.

I know that Beam and Kit were frustrated because I didn't do anything about it. So, they confront me. I denied and I said that I don't like boys. I don't want any confession from any boys. I told them that confessions from boys give me creeps.

I didn't know that my reluctant to admit my feelings will cost me my first love.


My freshman year in college was so great. I am smart, handsome, and friendly. Everybody wanted to be close to me. I was chosen as the Campus Moon. I even got my own fan club. All was great, except one thing. No cute Nong Wayo to look at. I tried my best to forget him. I kept myself busy with the schooling, with my duty as Campus Moon and hung out with my friends. I even got a beautiful girl best friend in Pring, my fellow Campus Star.

I knew Pring had a crush on me. If only I didn't set my heart for Nong Wayo, I would have fall for Pring. What's not to like? She is beautiful, smart, and kind. She made any conversations interesting. She made me laugh. She even close with my two best friends. But I couldn't make myself to like her more than friend. Somehow, I was still keeping a hope in my heart. Hoping that someday I could meet Nong Wayo, that I finally have courage to confess to him.

What bothers me is that Beam always nag about Wayo. He kept on asking me about my feelings for Nong Wayo. He asked me if I want to visit our high school to meet Wayo. He offered me to search for Wayo in social media. He asked me if I want Nong Wayo's phone number.

I don't understand why Beam seems to be so interested in my love life. I asked him to stop asking me. I told him I was not interested in Wayo that way. I asked Beam to stop nagging me because I was beginning to get tired for lying.

After months of nagging, Beam finally stop trying.

I had to admit, I was tempted. I wanted to see Wayo again. I wanted to talk to Wayo. The temptation is so huge, made me wake up at night and opened my laptop, ready to type his name in the search column. Contrary to Beam and Kit's belief, I do know Wayo's full name.

Wayo Panitchayasawad.

But as soon as my finger touch the keyboard, I froze in fear.

I was not ready to love a boy.

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