~5~ flirting

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" KAGEYAMA!" somehow his smile gets wider. I slightly smile, and blush at his action. 'cute. W-WAIT Kageyama no he's your teammate and f-friend.."


°still tobio's POV°

yeah, he's just my friend- I hate that word. I don't get it, why am I so unwilling to call him my friend? do I like him? no-no that's stupid I just admire him right?

"uh Kageyama, are you zoning out?" I nod slowly as I finally get back to reality. "oh, that's ok! I was just asking why you wanted to hang out?" Hinata gleams not caring about me zoning out. that's one thing I like about Hinata.

"oh um, I just didn't want to be home all by myself. so I decided to invite you over because you're the only one I could think of." I gesture my hand towards the inside of my house motioning Hinata to come in whilst opening the door wider.

Hinata hums and walks inside the house he knows all too well. Hinata's bright orange hair contracts the monochromatic setting of my house. it's kinda cute how his eyes sparkle every time he walks in here. I slightly chuckle at my thoughts.

"are you laughing at me bakayama!" Hinata swivels to me looking cutely mad.

"I mean kinda." I smirk knowing the anxiety I just caused. "but it's only because I find it cute when your eyes sparkle like they were." I lean in Hinata's ear with that sentence.

stillness engulfs the mood. I lean back realizing what I had just done. he's a blushing mess, just like me, I don't know why I said that. "oh um, thanks?" Hinata quietly mumbles.

I walk past him to the kitchen. "do you want anything to eat or drink boke?"

"um well I ate before coming but water would be good!" Hinata cheerfully responds whilst turning the corner.

I nod and pour him a glass of water and myself a glass of milk. "Kageyama, why do you drink milk?"

well, why do I drink milk? do I do it to keep my bones strong to set to Hinata or to play on the court longer? maybe just because it's good? "that's a stupid question boke! it's milk why don't you drink it!" why did I do that, why did I yell?

"because it's so plaiiiinnn and boring!" Hinata sits on the bar stool neat to the counter and lays his head on it.

"hush boke milk is good!" I give Hinata his water and take a drink of my milk.

Hinata springs up catching my attention. "we were going to watch movies remember!" he smiles widely again. I can't help but blush... why?

"yea. I remember." I try to sound nonchalant. I start walking up my stairs assuming Hinata would follow, but he doesn't. "boke come on! we're watching movies in my room."

"oh, ok!" he tilts his head and smiles. then continues to follow me to my room.

I open the door, turn on the lights, and motion for Hinata to go in before me. I think this is the first time Hinatas been in my room, despite him coming over almost 27 times now.

°Hina's POV°

he has a lot of band posters. green day, the neighbourhood, twenty-one pilots, mother mother, Panic! at the disco, Anabor etc. he has a good taste in music. I smile softly.

he also has volleyball posters. oh! and a picture of the team on his nightstand, cute. yet his room still feels empty. it's also really clean! unlike my room. =^=

I look back at Kageyama. he swiftly turns his head to avoid eye contact. was he staring at me? I laugh. Deja-vu is this how he felt when we were at the doorway?

"don't worry kags I get it. I'm just too cute not to stare at right?" I teasingly smirk whilst he snaps his head at me. looking mad

Kageyama smirks. "oh why of course Hina." I blush at the new nickname. he walks towards me, then stops when he gets closer "I would never take my eyes off of you." he leans into my ear "my little sunshine." then he stands up and walks to his bed as if nothing occurred.

what happens in the next chapter hmmmm

"IT IS YOU" kagehina soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now