~4~ his voice

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"uh...BYE KAGEYAMA!!" I think I yelled loud enough for him to hear me.
°malk man's POV°

'why did I walk away like that! that was stupid and awkward.'
I sigh and just keep walking to my house.

the time when I walk alone without the small ticking sounds of Hinata's bike feels so lonely. he always comforts me with just the presence. he's a lot better than my parents. I laugh to cover up my sadness. (a/n same kags same TuT)

I turn down to the road I know too well when I finally see my house coming into view. "no ones gonna catch us now..... you said something dumb again! shes mad! at least that's what they say!...."

he's singing devil town? he hasn't sung that song in a while. glad to know he's finally out of his unknown song phase?? idk what to call it.

"you're all I'm longing for, all I worship and adore. in other words please be true.... in other words I love you." his voice. it's different from when he sings other songs. I can feel the heat going to my face by those words. why is he singing so much rn? well, I'm not complaining he's a good singer.

I was thinking so much about my soulmate muscle memory just lead me to my house and now at the front door. I open it as always I let out a faint "I'm home!" per usual no one answers.

I wonder if boke would like to hang out tomorrow I would like a nice pick me up. he's amazing. 'unlike you'

I shake off my insecurities. "sorry I didn't respond for a week, I was in class then I fell asleep."

I know that song "woke up late for work and left my phone at home, I didn't mean to leave you hanging there all alone."

there's a pause in the singing as we both realise were singing together. but he continues. but I zone out listening to his beautiful voice continue the song.

~ p o v c h a n g e ~

°future Kageyama in-law's POV°

I finally got a response to my singing. honestly didn't know my soulmate was a guy. I mean we used to sing together when we were like seven but he sounded like a girl back then, puberty hit his voice like a bus.

also good to know he has great taste in music. 😌 (a/n ikr Hinata)

~time skip brought to you by Noya and Asahi fucking in the club room~

°tObIo-ChAn'S POV°

"BEEP BEEP BISH!" aye I need to change that. nishinoya senpai took my phone one day and changed my alarm to him and Tanaka screaming beep beep bish. ugh. I sigh. at least it wakes me up I guess.

Oh yeah, I was gonna ask Hinata to come over today. I take my phone off of its charger and off my nightstand. I open it and open my messages.



yeah he's almost as stupid as you smh
my head

read yesterday 8:45

hey uh boke wanna hang
out at mine later we can watch
movies or whatever

OFC can we watch
the bee movie!!!

no, boke you know I
don't like it :/


we don't have to watch its serious when you use an EMOTICON 😖


jezz ok cya soon Kageyama!! 😁
read just now

usually, my room is very clean but I've been not very in it lately, so I get changed into a black hoodie and a white t-shirt under then some normal jean pants. along with some rings that I cant where at school cause of the dress code or whatever. I brush my hair and done.

I pull up Spotify on my phone to get in the mood for cleaning. but a good song that I NEED to sing along to comes on.

"18, crazy, pulled up in your daddys car. yea you wanna move in with me. guess we're off to a heavy start!" I love this song!

"should've seen this coming from a mile away, 18, crazy. I know what you want from me. I know what you want from me.." we both pause waiting for the best part "SO IF YOU WANNA PISS OFF YOUR PARENTS, DATE ME TO SCARE THEM, SHOW THEM YOUR ALL GROWN UP! IF LONG HAIR AND TATTOOS ARE WHAT ATTRACT YOU THEN BABY YOUR IN LUCK!"

"and I know it's just a phase, your not in love with me, you wanna piss off your parents baby, piss of your parents, that's alright with me.." I love his singing. too bad he stopped, it's amazing. I listen to the rest of the song before actually cleaning my room.

~time skip brought to you by the way I am now in a black hole~
(a/n ^^predictive text comrades^^)

"ding ding dong" the doorbell rings throughout the house signalling someone is at the door. I assume it's boke.

I run down the stairs and walk to the door calmly. I open the door to see Hinata flashing the cute goofy smile he always does when he's excited or just spiked a ball to the ground.

" KAGEYAMA!" somehow his smile gets wider. I slightly smile, and blush at his action. 'cute. W-WAIT Kageyama no he's your teammate and f-friend.."

remember to take care of yourself! take a long shower, eat, drink water, get out ig your bed and stretch little things help ^-^

remember comments are encouraged unless they're not bad but ig damaging to someone's mental health! :)

"IT IS YOU" kagehina soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now