Post-Blip Three

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Four months after Endgame/Two months before The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Adalyn was tossing and turning in the little space she had on the bed of sorts she and Bucky shared.

She woke up with a gasp, remembering five words from a friend and six words from herself that would haunt her forever.

Natasha smiled excitedly. "See you in a minute."

Adalyn returned her smile. "See you in a minute, Nat."

She got up, chest heaving as she tried not to break out in choking sobs. If anything, she hated when people saw her cry. Bucky, though he never judged, had seen her cry too many times for her liking.

The blonde made her way to the bathroom and locked the door. She turned on the water and started crying, trying to keep quiet.

A knock on the door sounded and Adalyn covered her mouth.

"Ada?" Bucky called. "You okay?"

"Yeah, fine," she replied, trying to prevent her voice from shaking.

"No you aren't. I can hear it in your voice. Ada, please. Let me help."

"You can't! You can't help!"

"Let me try, Ada. Please."

Adalyn internally groaned and unlocked the door.

Bucky stood on the other side with a worried expression. "What's wrong, doll?"

"Life is always throwing shit."

"Well, yeah. I meant what'd you dream about?"

Adalyn met his eyes then looked away, trying to stop the incoming tears. "Nothing."

"Ada, you gotta stop bottling things in. You're gonna break and it's gonna be a mess. Just talk to me. Please."

"I don't want to talk. I don't want to hear consoling words. I just want to forget! I want a drink. That's what I want." She stalked away to the kitchen.

Bucky followed. "Adalyn, you can't get drunk."

"Thanks for the reminder, James."

Bucky stood in front of her. "Ada, I'm worried about you."

She met his eyes and sighed. "I dreamt about her again."


"Yeah. I never got to say goodbye. Why does everyone I care about die? My dad, Coulson, Nat, even Tony. And who the hell knows where Steve is!"

"Some people just experience more loss than others. But it's how we handle the losses that makes us who we are. You're strong, Ada. I know you've been through a lot, but you always push through. You never give up and that's one of the things I love most about you. You take the time you need to grieve, most of the time, and keep on fighting. You're a fighter, Ada. No matter what life throws at you, you never give up."

She wiped away a tear and slid down the wall.

Bucky knelt in front of her and dried her eyes before asking softly, "You still want that drink?"

Adalyn shook her head. "No, I think I'll be okay. Thank you, Buck."

He smiled. "Anytime, doll." He moved to sit next to her.

The two sat in a comfortable silence and Adalyn rested her head on Bucky's shoulder and he rested his head on hers.

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