Post-Blip One

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Just after Endgame/Just under six months before The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Morgan smiled as she put an Iron Man helmet on and said, "My daddy was a superhero."

Adalyn smiled. "Yes he was. Your daddy saved the world."

"Is my daddy coming back for me and Mommy?"

"No, he isn't. But your daddy is watching your and your mommy up above."

"Like in heaven or from the stars?"

"Something like that. Hey, what are we playing today?"

"Superheroes. Daddy said Captain America said you got a new name."

Adalyn smiled softly. "I did get a new name. My superhero name is Shadow Dove."

"Can I call you Dove? My superhero name is... Iron Lady. After Daddy."

"Only my closest friends call me Dove and Morgan Stark, you are one of my closest friends. That's a great superhero name."

Morgan grinned widely and the two played superheroes.

The little girl pretended to shoot Adalyn with the thrusters and she fell with a gasp before saying, "Oh no! Iron Lady got me. I'm down! Mayday! I'm down!"

Morgan started laughing and Adalyn sat up with a small smile.

"Hey!" Morgan yelled. "You're not supposed to be awake! You're a bad guy. You're gone."

"Right," Adalyn said as she laid down.

Bucky walked in and was about to ask what was going on, then saw the video call.

He knelt next to Adalyn and waved before saying, "Hi, Morgan."

Morgan waved back. "Hi. Are you taking Ada from me?"

"Not just yet. You two have time. What are you playing?"

"Superheroes and bad guys. Ada's a bad guy."

"Oh, is she now? What'd she do?"

"She took all the candy."

"She's definitely a bad person then." Adalyn hit his arm. "Hey. Don't hit me."

"Yeah, hitting's not nice."

"Morgan!" Pepper called. "Time for lunch!"

Morgan waved. "Bye, Ada. Bye, Bucky."

Adalyn smiled. "Enjoy your lunch, Morgan. I had fun playing with you."

Morgan nodded. "Me too."

The call ended and Adalyn glanced at Bucky who was smiling.

"What?" Adalyn asked.

"Seeing you interact with Morgan is something I always love being witness to," he replied.

"Well, she lost her father. I know exactly how she feels and being there for her helps my own pain and grief."

"I wish you'd tell me what happened, doll."

"I can't. It hurts too much." She fell silent.

Bucky wrapped his arms around hers and said softly, "It's okay, Ada. Whenever you're ready."

"I've bottled it all in for so long that if I say it aloud, it becomes more real. You know, I still see him dying in front of me. And that's something I'll never get out of my head."

His arms tightened around her and she cuddled into him, letting out a soft sigh.

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