A Visit To The Hot Springs!

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Naruto's team had finally reached the Hidden Village of Hot Sptings after a long hour of endless walking. It was paradise for the tired team as they headed into an inn, now seperated into two rooms. One for the boys and one for the girls. 

"Yosh! Let's take some time to freshen up at the hot springs! Tommorow, we will have some intenstive training dattebayo!" said Naruto with a grin, already wrapped in his bathrobe.

"What can you even train at a hot spring dattebasa?!" shouted Boruto in confusion.

"What? Are you scared?" said Sarada with a smirk.

"Hah! Don't make me laugh!"

"Oh? You want another duel?"

"Boruto, Sarada it's not a time to fight. You're supposed to relax dattebayo~" said Naruto as he was already sitting comfortably in a massage chair.

"Why is the hokage so relaxed?" sighed Shikadai as he walked off to the boys room with Inojin and Boruto.


At the girls room:

"Wow! Sarada-nee, ChoCho-nee, look at that! It's so beautiful!" said Himawari with a smile as she headed over to the large window in their room, presenting a beautiful garden of hot springs.

"This place ain't that bad. When's dinner?" asked ChoCho as she rummaged through the cupboards for food.

"ChoCho, sometimes you have to control your eating fetish y'know?" sighed Sarada as she sat down on the tatami floor, placing her bags down.

"But dad said it's healthy to be fat!" 

"Well, I think he was just trying to make it sound positive...."

"Hey, I wonder what training Tou-chan has prepared for us.." said Himawari as she sat down beside Sarada.

"Since there's water here, it's probably about walking on water.." said Sarada with a deep thought.

"As expected of the smart one." replied ChoCho.

"But wouldn't it hurt if we fell?"

"Yup, that's why the hokage-sama said "intensive" training." 

"Himawari will take care of Sarada-nee and ChoCho-nee!" said Himawari with determination in her eyes.

The two girls giggled at Himawari's innocence. They really adored and treated her like their own little sister.


At the boys room:

"I CAN"T STAND THIS ANYMORE! WHY IS IT SO BORING DATTEBASA?!!" shouted Boruto as he walked around the room restlessly.

"Quiet down, you'll disturb the others." sighed Shikadai as he was trying to sleep.

"I must paint this scenery with perfection..." mumbled Inojin as he was concentrated at the view outside the window, trying to paint a portrait with his painting tools.

"You two have such boring lives..." sighed Boruto as he walked out of the room, unable to stand the boredom.


In one of the lounge areas of the inn, Naruto is seen comfortably relaxing in a massage chair. His stress and worries all washed away as he enjoyed the peace and quiet. However, it was at that moment Boruto barged into the room, abruptly waking up Naruto.

"Tou-chan! I'm BORED!!" shouted Boruto.

"Argh! Keep quiet already!" shouted Naruto.

"Everyone else has their own things to do, even you!"

"Well that's because they are all finding ways to improve themselves Boruto. Being a ninja is very difficult y'know."

"I know that! I'm definately gonna be the next hokage and not a boring one like you!!"

"Haha, since you've got nothing to do, let me teach you a new jutsu dattebayo!"



Soon, evening arrived and everyone gathered at the dining hall, devouring in the meals served. After that, it was finally time for everyone to enter the hot springs. Of course, they were gender-seperated.

On the girl's side, it was filled with happiness and laughter as they helped each other scrub their own backs, playing in the water together and lots of gossip. The boy's side however was silent, everyone was minding their own business relaxing in the hot spring.

"What's with everyone dattebasa?!" shouted Boruto as he couldn't stand the dead silence.

"Shut up, we're trying to relax and enjoy the spring water." sighed Shikadai as he submerged himself into the hot sping.

"Ah, hot springs feel really good~" sighed Inojin as he could almost fall asleep in the warmth.

"It was a good idea to bring you kids here dattebayo~" sighed Naruto as he too, fell in love with the hot spring.

"Not you too, dad.." pouted Boruto as he looked around restlessly. It was then, he spotted the long, wooden wall seperating the boys and girls. He had a cheeky smile on his face as he crept behind the wall, placing his ears beside it. He could immediately hear the giggles of the girls next door.

"Oi, Naruto. Don't even.." said Shikadai.

"We need a little fun y'know!" grinned Naruto as he grabbed a bucket and climbed onto it, hoping to get a better view of the other side. It was at that moment, he saw a flying stool towards him.

"Ack! That hurts!!" shouted Boruto in pain as he fell down.

"Don't even try, you idiot!" shouted Sarada from the other side.

"Oh no, Boruto's gonna be like Jiraiya-sensei when he grows up" mumbled Naruto.

"Told you, idiot." sighed Shikadai.


That night, it was time to sleep. The girls spent a whole hour talking while the boys slept immediately. Naruto was outside, grabbing a can of beer for himself as he sat down and sighed. However, he could see someone walking in the corrider from the corner of his eye. It was his son, Boruto.

"You've got a lot of energy today, don't you?" smiled Naruto as Boruto sat beside him.

"Tou-chan, I want to become stronger."

"Hm? Sure, you can-ttebayo."

"I mean back then, I couldn't even save or protect Hima-chan from that snake guy. I want to be strong enough to protect not only Himawari but everyone else too dattebasa!" pouted Boruto.

"Oh? Even though they ignore you or tease you?"

".....A ninja is supposed to protect people...." mumbled Boruto with a slight blush on his face.

"Then, I'll put you in a lot of training alright? You can't give up dattebayo!" grinned Naruto. He could see Hinata in his son and was proud of him.

"That's totally fine! Throw anything at me and I'll learn it dattebasa!" shouted Boruto with determination.

"Yosh, since everyone else is already sleeping let's do some night training huh?" grinned Naruto.



Late into the midnight, father and son who were exhausted in their training finally returrned to their room. Quietly entering in order to not wake up Shikadai and Inojin, their bonds deepened that night. However, at around 3am past Naruto woke up. He could hear strange noises outside the room and headed out.

Slowly, he opened the door and looked through the window that lead to the garden of the inn. His eyes widened.

Himawari was seen practicing taijutsu on one of the trees.


Like father, like son. Like mother, like daughter? I guess during this trip, Naruto discovers more about his own children and how alike they are to him and Hinata. Oh, the Naruhina feels tho :_:

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