💓"he's the perfect mother"💓

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Okay so I tried this at the beginning of....okay so I may not remember fuck of!

Any way have fun reading!

Bakugou was just in his room sleeping seeing as it was the middle of the night suddenly the gods thought they should give bakugou
A 'gift' because of his behaviour so they sent down a baby not just any baby a demon baby that is a newborn seeing as he was just born just yesterday they planned for them to meet today and yes bakugou can feed the baby breast milk

No ones pov

Bakugou was just being his usual self when suddenly everyone heard a baby crying they rushed over to him and tried calming him down bakugou was getting anonnyed by the baby crying "stop crying!" The baby cried more bakugou was about to yell again but than felt his shirt getting wet so he looked down to see his shirt wet "wth?" The baby cried more and tried to reach bakugou but bakugou didn't see but everyone else did .once
Bakugou looked up he was gifted a baby boy he was confused "what?" The baby still cried but not as loud Bakugou than took off his shirt as it was to wet as soon as the baby saw that his momma took off his shirt he hooked on and started sucking as soon as he
Looked up he saw everyone looking at him in shock which made him try to push the baby away from him he succeeded he than handed the baby to deku the baby hooked on to deku's nipple and started to such deku face turned redder than kirishima's hair "wah!" He said bakugou than rolled up his shirt and wiped his wet nipples with the shirt he than looked at deku and rolled his eyes at him "k-kacchan! Are you leaving me with him!?" Deku asked bakugou smirked "yeah and you can feed him" bakugou said he than went to his dorm room as soon as bakugou left the baby realized that he wasn't gonna get any milk out of momma once he stopped sucking he looked and didn't see his momma instead he saw a green haired guy he opened his mouth and started crying "uh!! Um! Shh! Uh! I don't know what to do! Kacchan is better at this!" Deku yelled the baby's stomach growled painfully the baby kept crying and lost control of his magic. Things started flying around,aizawa tried to use his quirk but it was useless seeing as he can only stop quirks and not magic "go get bakugou he's the only one who can calm him down! Now! Go!" Aizawa yelled Mina,Lida and shinsou nodded they than left minutes later they finally made it to Bakugou's dorm room and knocked or ...more like bangged on the door "bakugou let us in it's important!" Mina yelled seconds later bakugou opened the door with a scowl on his face "what do you idiots want!" He yelled "come on before everything gets destroyed!" Lida yells they start dragging him back to the class room once they make it they push him in "stop! Your momma's here!" Shinsou says bakugou is instantly confused "wha?" He says the baby keeps crying and makes grabby hands at him "go!" They push bakugou towards the baby once bakugou makes his way there the baby stops crying and hatches on to his nipple again and starts sucking as the baby gains full control over his magic he drops everything on the floor that was flying in the air bakugou turns to everyone one and looks at the stuff on the floor than back at them "welp better start cleaning after all it isn't gonna clean it self!" Bakugou says they watch him go then turn to one another "he's the perfect mother" they all nod in agreement
"Welp better start cleaning" kirishima says do

Okay I'm done bye bye!

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