alter ending for ❤Bakugou has anorexia!?!?❤

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no one's pov

It was the middle of class when suddenly bakugou's mum barged in everyone turned to look at her mitsuki than turned to bakugou and walked over to his desk stopping right in front of his seat

"IO BRAT DID YOU THINK I WOULDN'T FIND OUT WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD ANOREXIA" mitsuki yelled at him which shocked his class waking up m aizawa in the process even

The other teachers poked out their heads to see what the noise was about when they couldn't tell they just went back into there classrooms and continued to teach ignoring the yelling they heard

Bakugou took a step backwards while his mum took a step forwards to any one else this might look like he has a abusive mother but his mother was just worried sick for her poor son

she wanted answers and today she was gonna get them she wouldn't just brush it off like nothing is wrong she was gonna get to the bottom of this one way or another bakugou thought she

was mad,angry,disappointed in him so he said nothing until she got close his breath hitched he dared not to say a thing nor breathe under his breathe so he stayed where he was bakugou

Than started to talk "i-i- i'm not anorexia" bakugou said in almost a wrisper in the background they all had mixed emotions about what's happening and what they were hearing. About bakugou

Mitsuki than digged into her pocket and pulled out a pill bottle she looked at it than threw the bottle bottle at bakugou the bottle bonuceing off his chest the pill bottle than rolled on the floor

aizawa. Being the closest one to the pill bottle he picked it up and read it. It made his eyes go wide by what he saw on the pill bottle   Antipsychotics

Antipsychotics, also known as neuroleptics, are a class of psychotropic medication primarily used to manage psychosis (including delusions, hallucinations, paranoia or disordered thought), principally in schizophrenia but also in a range of other psychotic disorders

"Bakugou...... this?" Mr aizawa asks him slowly looking at him but of course bakugou refused to make eye contact with him his mom was mad that he didn't tell her and she was worried for her poor baby she had wished he had opened up to her

Bakubabe's pov

'No no no no no no no no!!!!! How? Why? What for? How did she find it!!!! Why did she come here with it!! What for did she have to come front me in front of my whole class!!!?!? Oh no she must think I'm a disappointment!!! She's super mad what am I gonna do!?!?!?!?' I think I'm panicing right now but I keep me natural 'don't give a shit' face on

I look up and see pity in everyone's eyes (-mitsuki and dadzawa). 
And there it is 'pity' pity is the one thing I can't stand I run out the class room no daring to look back 'I don't need their pity' I think to my self I look up and see the most beautiful sunset ever

A few hours later I sigh knowing I have to go back I get up making my way back to the dorms once I get there the extras all start booming me with questions I know this should be overwhelming

But to be hosest I could feel a smile playing on my face I than leave the common room going into my room so that the can't see my smile

Long story short

Bakugou got help and it was taking a long time but he was slowly getting better he also opened up more telling people about his feelings bakugou than went to his room shut and locked the door

He than walked to his bathroom and got a razor he put it to his neck "I do deserve happiness.................................................right?"

Bakugou asked his self Bakugou was about to put the razor to his neck when suddenly Mr aizawa busted into his room taking the razor and hugging him Bakugou was shocked at first but than

He started crying letting all the emotions he held in out

Time skip to two months later brought to you by my several depression

It took time but Bakugou finally got better one day Bakugou walked into class to see all of the parents, teachers, friends, boyfriends. He looked at them gaining their attention

They all looked at him and smiled he smiled back at them "thank you guys" Bakugou said to them leaving them shocked. And happy

Thank you guys so much for waiting for me so here it is bye guys and remember I love you guys so much❤❤❤❤

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